the weblog of Alan Knox

Want to relate as church instead of organization? Don’t forget these hurdles…

Posted by on May 15, 2012 in blog links | 6 comments

Felicity at “Simply Church” has written a great post called “10 hurdles to overcome in making the transition from legacy to simple church.” Her post is a reminder to those who are interested in seeing church shift from organization-based to relational-based in our mutual relationship with God through Jesus Christ.

I’m guessing that Felicity has had some of the same conversations that I’ve had. I’ve talked with many followers of Jesus Christ – both those who find themselves in “church leadership” and those who do not – who are interested in living as the church as demonstrated in Scripture. But, there are hurdles to overcome, even for those who want to see this kind of change.

Here are a few of the hurdles that Felicity mentions:

2. People are scared they will lose the friendships and sense of community that’s been created over the years.

3. People are used to a professional standard of church: a worship band, well-prepared sermon etc.

7. How can you prevent heresy?

Felicity lists other “hurdles” on her site. Make sure you check them out.

The transition is not an easy one, even for people who love God and one another, and for people who seek to gather in ways that allow them to encourage one another and help one another grow in maturity in Christ. The transition is especially difficult when the people have only been taught one way to gather as the church and have never experiences anything different.

Be patient with yourself, with others, and with God as he worked through all of you together.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 5-15-2012

    Alan I went over there, and also posted there, yes I like the first one

    1.Many people in your church do not share your vision for the transition. It’s not what they signed up for. As the parable of the wineskins says, “they think the old was better.”

    they do not see that we as believers have received new wine skins, with the new wine. because flesh and blood does not want to die. It is stubborn, stubborn, stubborn. Maybe it is the we do not see the STUB in Born that we are born with in our flesh. I fought the law and the law won.

  2. 5-15-2012


    Thanks for the comment. I can definitely be as stubborn as the rest of them. Thank God for his mercy, forgiveness, and power to overcome the flesh.


  3. 5-15-2012

    alan welcome, and a man cannot be perfected without troubles as a rock cannot be polished without rubbing, so glory Haleluah to God, and all here to grow in this grace

  4. 5-15-2012

    Hi Allan.
    I have you to thank, or blame, for beginning to blog about our 40 yrs of functioning life in Christ outside the usual forms of church.
    It’s a bit weird to hear the qualities of fellowship that I cant survive without called hurdles, and that drives home the desire that is bursting in my heart to see God’s children free to love and koinonia with all of Jesus brethren.
    My blog is at if you would like to follow it.

  5. 5-16-2012

    It’s true, that’s why I didn’t want to leave. I was in the worship band. And I have lost all my friends and sense of community. I would not have given those up by choice. I don’t miss the sermons though, lol.

  6. 5-17-2012


    I’ll take a look at your blog. Thanks for the link.


    I hope that God has brought other brothers and sisters in Christ into your life.
