the weblog of Alan Knox

My son graduates from high school today

Posted by on Jun 2, 2012 in personal | 5 comments

Today, my son Jeremy graduates from high school. We started homeschooling Jeremy when he was in the third grade, and we continued to homeschool him through this year, his senior year. (Here is an interview that my wife did explaining why we started homeschooling our children: “Part of our family’s homeschool story.”)

We’re part of a homeschool co-op that puts together a graduation ceremony for the seniors each year. This year’s ceremony takes place at 2:00 p.m. today. Many of our family members are in town, and we’re making this a special time for Jeremy.

But, in reality (and as I’ll say to him when I present his high school diploma to him), this is really just another step in a journey he started many years ago. Over the last few years especially, he has started growing into a young man, taking on more responsibilities and making more of the decisions related to his life.

Today, in my presentation, I plan to remind him of three things: 1) we love him, 2) we’re proud of him, and 3) he can trust God through anything.

We’re excited for Jeremy and for the plans that he has in mind.


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  1. 6-2-2012

    Hey Alan, just stumbled on here via your tweet. Congratulations to you and your son. Graduating high school is a big deal, even if it doesn’t feel like it when it’s the norm here in the U.S. I’m sure the Lord has big things in store for both of you guys!

  2. 6-2-2012

    Congradulations Alan

  3. 6-2-2012

    I have always home schooled my 2 sons 🙂

  4. 6-4-2012

    Thank you everyone. It was a great day.


  5. 6-4-2012

    and God’s praises along with mine go with you