The New Testament Scriptures and the Proclamation of the Gospel
To say that proclaiming the gospel is an important aspect of the New Testament Scriptures would be an understatement. There are both examples of proclaiming the gospels and exhortations to proclaim the gospel found throughout the New Testament.
It is very important for those of us who are in Christ to remind each other and encourage each other about the good news of Jesus Christ! Extremely important.
However, in this short series, I want us to consider the proclamation of the gospel to unbelievers in the New Testament. Now, we know that the Epistles and Revelation were written to people who had already believed the gospel (to use Jesus’ words). They were already following Jesus and were already indwelled by the Holy Spirit.
But, what about the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) and Acts? There are still arguments and discussions about whether these books were written for people who were not believers or for people who are already believers. To me, if we take John at face value, that Gospel was written (at least in part) for an audience of people who did not yet follow Jesus:
[T]hese are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. (John 20:31 ESV)
When compared to the Epistles and Revelation, it is more likely that the Gospel of John and the other Gospels were written for an audience of unbelievers. If Luke also wrote Acts (and I believe he did) and if he wrote it to the same person and for the same reason, then we could also assume that the Book of Acts was written (at least in part) for an audience of unbelievers.
So, in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, we find our best examples of how Jesus and his first followers proclaimed the gospel to unbelievers.
But, have you thought about how Jesus and his first followers proclaimed the good news in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts? From what I can tell, the way that they proclaimed the gospel (at least what we read) is alot different than the way that we generally find today.
In fact, from what I have experiences, many Christians today rely more on the Epistles to proclaim the good news than on the Gospels or Acts. But, the passages quoted from the Epistles were written for people who were already believers. (I’m not saying that is wrong or invalid. I’m simply saying it’s something that I’ve noticed and find interesting and perhaps peculiar.)
In my next post, I’m going to look at a few examples of “gospel presentation” in Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, but for now, I have a question for you:
From your reading of Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Acts, what are some aspects of proclaiming the gospel do you think were important for Jesus and his first followers?
Alan, all matthew, mark, luke and John, prior to the death of Christ are a part of the old covenant. Jesus came to fill the law and prophets not destroy it Matt 5:17. Once he filled the old covenant he yelled it is done (finished) John 19:30, that is when the new covenant took place, for the old was filled. Hebrews 9:15-17
So a proper seperation is even though recorded in the new testament, jesus’s work here, it was him proving who he is through the miracles, and filling the law of love, and showing all to depend on his Father only through the Holy Ghost. The very same Holy Ghost that decended on him at, when water baptism was in place. Today it is with the Holy Ghost and with fire. The fire is for you to ask to burn out of your flesh the dross (evil) that is in it, we have free choice, it takes one asking before it is done by the operation of the Father of Christ through the Holy Ghost known as (spirit of truth)
And Acts is a history of what took place along with what took place while Jesus walked on earth, and acts is after the ressurection and ascencion. showing the history of what took place, how it effected the people, it is not doctrinal, a good history to know though, and Luke was not an apostle either, he was a scribe and a doctor, a witness to all the events.
Excellent post Alan!
I think the Gospels are chock full of Gospel presentations. The first that comes to mind is when John the Baptizer says “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!”
Howard, I’m not sure that saying the Book of Acts is not doctrinal. I think that it contains both descriptions of what took place and prescriptions for what should take place.
Looking forward to reading the comments of others.
As Howard said, the four gospels primarily cover an old covenant period, so the gospel message is somewhat different – or rather veiled. It is ‘the kingdom of heaven is near’.
In Acts the gospel is fully revealed, so I did a summary of the gospel message in that book so as to compare with the gospel presented today. The summary is at
I don’t think we can dismiss the Gospels as “old covenant.” They were written after the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ – many years after in some cases. They were written by people who were living in the new covenant in order to explain the new covenant to others. (Note the quote from John in my post above.) Plus, the authors often admit that they did not understand Jesus’ teachings until after the Holy Spirit came. Thus, the teachings were for them in the new covenant and could only be understood and lived out in the new covenant. Are the Gospels transitional? Yes. Are they “old covenant”? No.
That quote from John the Baptist is a great example of a gospel presentation. Thanks!
Like I said to Howard, the Gospels were written about a transitional period, but they were written to people living in the new covenant. We cannot dismiss them as “old covenant”. Thanks for your link about passages in Acts. I find the gospel presentations there extremely fascinating, so I’m looking forward to reading your post.
Yes Miguel, thanks, i just see acts as a history of what happend it was how they lived in response to the ressurection. Not told how to live as in Ephesians, romans, corinthians, where Paul wrote describing further the truth, that is where I am coming from
Andrew that is an indepth study, I see it boils down to either one believes or does not, and all that was done in acts, is explained as doctrine in the epistles, the results of belief when one really seeks out truth and then they are set free from law, even though the law is true, perfect and correct, the only one one that can and did fill it is Christ Jesus, therefore that is why belief alone via nothing added sets one free indeed
Alan I do not care which way you slice, dice or cube it.
Jesus when came to this earth was the old covenant in place? Yes
When did the new covenant take place? Hebrews 9:15-17 everything written about prior to the death of Christ was and is under the old testament rules regulations, and prophets of old. This is truth that is plainly evident in scripture. Christ’s purpose was to full fill the law and he stated this in matt5:17 along with the prophets. He did this and thus we are in a new coevenant period, reconciled unto God through belief
Christ when walking here born of the virgin Mary, filled the law that Moses had brought to the people, and upon death brought in a new covenant of God his Fathers love.
While the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John) were written after the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, they were lived before. At the moment Jesus cried, “It is finished.” and gave up the ghost, the New Covenant came into effect.
Yes, the events depicted in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John happened mostly before the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. However, notice what John says in John 20:30-31. Jesus did and said many, many things. But, he purposely picked those specific events and sayings and wrote about them several decades after Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.” That doesn’t sound like “old covenant” to me.
Yes, it is a fact that the majority of the content of the gospels happens prior to Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, so Howard, you’re right, maybe, in a way. BUT… as Alan explains the gospels were written to unbelievers to show them the good news. The reality is that they ARE the Good News, or, as they are aptly known, the Gospels, they tell the story of the Christ coming, dying, and rising. Any time we tell someone the Good News we are telling them what happened in the Gospels. Also, I would question a few assumptions: 1) how do we know what Jesus meant when he said “It is finished”? and 2) was the “New Covenant”, the Covenant of faith, not in place before Jesus died and rose?
It seemed like Jesus spent a lot of time talking about “The Kingdom of Heaven” which is honestly something I have never even remotely understood. I’m sure the more spiritual and enlightened people have it figured out. I don’t. That was kinda like a huge part of what Jesus was always talking about, and it is something you rarely ever hear talked about now. I certainly never talk to people about “the Kingdom of Heaven” in those words when I tell people the Good News. Some other major elements of Jesus’ call seemed to be giving up everything to follow him, loving people, being humble and serving others. I assume these are the results of a life changed by the truth of the Gospel, but I don’t know. That’s all I’ve got.
Hi Alan,
I’m almost through an interesting book that covers this topic: “Winning a Generation Without the Law: Essentials of the Gospel for a Postmodern Culture” [Kindle Edition] $.99
You can download a free kindle reader from amazon for your PC, tablet and smartphone.
I already need to read it a second time. The idea that I came up under and that I used to proclaim the good news was that you first had to explain the bad news, explain how God took care of the bad news, and THEN you could talk about the good news. This book challenges that, and I think you’re headed in a similar direction. Glad you’re on this topic just now.
I am sort of wondering how the Gospel of John can be called an old testament item when it begins with a creation account…only a gentile would have need of that.
I have used the Roman Road many times in sharing Jesus but I have also used John and in fact I like to leave PTL tracts of John at public places.
We have many ways to convey the Gospel that did not exist 2000 years ago. If Jesus had just now come the first time, would he maybe be on facebook?
If the essence of the gospel is not simply Jesus, why did speak Acts 1:8.
May I also add that perhaps we need to understand there is a difference between the Gospel and the literature that used to tell it.
Looking forward to this series and comments. From a simple straightforward read of the gospels, it looks too me like Jesus and His disciples preached the gospel quite frequently. I also assume that each gospel writer included enough details in their individual books that a reader would understand the good news of Jesus if that was the only book they owned.
One thing that often accompanied the proclamation of the good news, that God’s kingdom was near, was proof that the King was present. I’ve noticed many of these passages include miraculous healings along with the message of the reign or rule of God.
The focus of Jesus in Matthew is indeed the kingdom of heaven (used 32 times). Most think Matthew didn’t want to use the name of God (like the other Gospels, who use the kingdom of God) because of his Jewish readers, and so used “heaven” instead. But Matthew does use the name of God (over 50 times) and has the phrase “kingdom of God” four times.
I think Matthew meant to emphasize the contrast between Jesus’ new kingdom of heaven and the kingdoms of earth, beginning with Israel. John the Baptist says the coming king and his kingdom of heaven are near and contrasts that with the kingdom of Israel led by Pharisees and Sadducees (Mt. 3:1-2,7). After Jesus is anointed (king) by the Spirit from heaven and announced (as son/king) by the voice from heaven (3:16-17), he begins to announce the dawning of the new kingdom (4:16-17). And he begins to call disciples (4:18-22); they will be his new kingdom.
To make a long story short, after Jesus’ death and resurrection, the new king has all authority in heaven and on earth, so he commands his disciples to go to all the nations, baptizing into the name (presence and power) of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, teaching them to do everything he commanded them (28:18-20). Everything he has taught earlier in the Gospel is meant to be followed by his disciples all over the world. All of his teaching is part of his new covenant, his new kingdom.
Heb. 9:15-17 links Jesus’ death with mediating the new covenant. But 9:18-20 tells how after every command of the law of Moses was spoken by Moses to all the people, he took the “blood of the covenant” to ratify the covenant. The covenant included all the word/commands spoken by Moses earlier; the blood was the final act of ratification. In like manner, Jesus’ blood ratified the new covenant, including the words and commands of Jesus earlier.
A curious observation from The Acts in how each apostle & disciple was led/directed by the Holy Spirit for where and when to preach or present the Good News of Christ and the Kingdom.
The early followers in Christ also seem to understand the action/power of salvation by a wider vector; as seeing people being saved, people saved, and for each one who will be saved. This difference may have less to do with the initial herald/evangel, but rather for an on-going effort of love to see forward those being saved. We typically assign this to “making disciples”. Our dichotomy (sourced in Protestant theology) would likely have seemed eccentric among them. Matthew 28:19-20 before it became unhinged from Acts 2:38?
Alan this account that you point out is after the ressurection according to the book of John, in context, so what does this have to do with before the ressurection?
Dan, when Jesus walked this earth the old covenant was in place the law and the sacrificial system was being done. so all accounts of Christ befroe his death was under the law, and Christ showed all our inability ot obey it. to the point that when you sin, via hand steals, cut it off, eye lusts gouge it out. The lord’s prayer forgive us as we forgive was also prior to the new covenant and is used as if this prayer was never answered. It was answered The prayer was about Christ making it to the cross, to bring in the new covenat, the new covenant is the gospel, is the good news. Reading christ’s walk here on earth prior to the death was showing us bad news that under the law no one can be justified to go to heaven, for all have sinned and fallen short.
Calling Matt, Mark, Luke and John the gospels, prior to the death of Christ is plainly a lie. Under the law is stress stress, and no perfection at all, death is of the flesh, jesus showed this plainly.
A good one is where Christ said in Matthew, blessed are those that hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled. So tell me was this statement filled in the death,burial, ressurection and ascenccion of Jesus Christ under the new covenent? From God’s vantage point yes, ours no. But you answer this yourself
Yes, in the Gospels especially, there was alot of talk about the “kingdom of God/heaven.” That was part of their gospel presentation, and often the proclamation stopped there. I think the term would not have meant as much in a nonJewish context, but the same concept was presented in different ways, perhaps by phrases like “Jesus is Lord.” Either way, the proclamation itself was short and simple.
I love reading my wife’s Kindle (when she lets me), but I hate reading on the Kindle app on my phone or laptop (I have the Kindle app on both). Maybe she’ll let me borrow it soon. 🙂
Jon McCranie,
I’m not opposed to any type of gospel proclamation in any medium. (Although I do think that the medium can change the message.) I think, if I were to ask the same question regarding proclaiming the gospel on Facebook, it would be something like this: How would Jesus and his first followers use Facebook to proclaim the gospel to unbelievers?
Uh oh… there are two Jon’s… Yes, there was frequent proclamation of the gospel. And, reading through the various books, we can certainly piece together “the whole gospel.”
Yes, Jesus and others often began their gospel proclamation (and ended it) with a statement about the “kingdom of God/heaven.” I agree that all of Jesus’ teachings are for us today as well (in context, of course).
Thanks for mentioning this: “an on-going effort of love to see forward those being saved.” That’s the direction that I’m headed also.
Are you saying that John’s statement in John 20:30-31 only applies to what he wrote after Jesus’ resurrection? That seems unlikely to me.
Marshall: Just as in Acts the Holy Spirit led/directed the apostles, in the gospels Jesus led/directed the disciples where to preach the gospel.
Andrew, yes. He did not leave them (us) as orphans.
Howard, reading your comments, do wonder if you have not yet fully applied what has come to be for all in Christ…
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.”
[Matthew 5:17]
“…for he who loves his neighbor is fulfilling [bringing into effect] the law.
[Romans 13:8]
Those who are in Christ are consequently fulfilling [putting into effect] the law.
While the old covenant has become obsolete, the Law itself remains “holy, just and good.”
[Romans 7:12]
Yes the law is just, holy perfect and correct, but when it flows through me I being carnal am killed by it, thus I need the one who filled it in my stead, and not mix it. I do not misx law and grace. Law and grace is not mixable as water and oil is not.Sorry you have missed my point. It is all god and none of the believer, the believer is none other than the vessel like a water glasss is the vessel for the water. I am the clay God is the potter, and that is whom I reside in and God in me. If the law being true just and holy could have brought salvation there would have been no need for Christ for Romans 10:4 christ is the end of the law for righteousness to those that believe. No additions brother none, belief, christ did it all for you, me, and it is finished he made one perfect through his death, burial, and ressurection
Love yeah man
the good news is it is done completed for you to rejoice in via belief via the Holy ghost
Are you saying that John’s statement in John 20:30-31 only applies to what he wrote after Jesus’ resurrection? That seems unlikely to me. -Alan
What i am saying Alan is when reading scripture in John following along with the testimony of John reading scripture before coming to this particular verse this part of the chapter was about Thomas and Thomas’s unbelief, Jesus was in his ressurected state and Jesus showed him it was him, by the marks. This whole particular chapter is about the ressurection of Jesus and him appearing to them
“…for he who loves his neighbor is fulfilling [bringing into effect] the law.
[Romans 13:8]
We the believer are not here to fullfill for Christ already did this in our stead, that was his purpose and did it for all that will come to belief in him, so the believer can rest medicine, Called has called all to rest yet they do not, because of unbelief hebrews 3 and 4 cover this clearly. And just because someone claims to believe, does not put them to rest until they rest from their works as he has rested from his, and your statement is that the there is more work
Yes, exactly! That’s why the Holy Spirit was called “another” helper/encourager. He is the Spirit of Christ continuing the work and presence of Christ in our lives.
Yes, we have already fulfilled the law in Christ, because he fulfilled the law on our behalf.
So, again, you believe that John 20:30-31 only applies to what John wrote about Jesus after his resurrection? But, you believe that Jesus came to teach the old covenant, and Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – writing decades after Jesus’ resurrection – wrote about the old covenant so that people would believe in Jesus and live in the new covenant? Again, that seems highly unlikely.
No one was ever saved by the law. All have been saved and are saved by the grace of God through trusting him. Jesus is the means of salvation, even for those who lived before him. The law did not make anyone righteous. Jesus did not come teaching an old covenant based on the law. He came teaching the new covenant which is life in him.
There are commands (including “love one another”) written to believers in the Epistles, not just in the Gospels. Keeping those (and other) commands does not make someone righteous. However, the one who is righteous in Christ and who is walking in the Spirit will keep those commands. Failure to keep the commands is an indication that a person is either 1) not in Christ or 2) not walking in the Spirit.
Obedience to the commands of Christ is not an issue of law vs. grace. It is an issue of a follower of Jesus (who is already saved by grace not the law) either obeying him (walking in the Spirit) or not obeying him (not walking in the Spirit). As he said, those who love him, will keep his commands.
“no mixing” … yes, one mind only: the mind of Christ.
since Christ has suffered in the flesh over us, you be arming yourselves in the same mind; the same purpose, because the one suffering in the flesh has ceased from sinning; no longer having a livelihood in human desires, but for the will of God.
[I Peter 4:1-2]
though you & I live in a temple of flesh (even as Jesus lived in the flesh), we ought not be maintaining the carnal mind (as some in Corinth did)!
[ref: Romans 8:6; I Corinthians 3]
“For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”
[Colossians 3:3]
fear not that the law can kill you any more, if you are now truly in Christ. If Christ has not set you free from sin and death, the gospel of Christ would still be a stranger to you.
Alan you are misqouting me, I never said the law made anyone righteous, the law shows one’s unrighteousness, and I say the same: the only way to salvation is in christ Jesus. But it is not just have christ live in you, it is asking Christ Jesus to live through you. This is all I have ever said just as Paul has described in Romans, Galatioans it is by faith and who ever actually wrote Hebrews. and Hebrews is the best description of the new covenant.
So answer this question when jesus walked here on earth was the old covenant law in place, prior to his death?
And after his death on the cross was there a new covenant put in stead of the old, where God the Father is not judging us on the basis of sin and death any longer?
Please answer these 2 questions and then we can move on.
Marshall and what you said i am saying, do not know how you are getting things out of context of what i have said all along, you are in contexr here in this post brother. WOW!
What you stated is true 100%
I thinnk that maybe you are under the impression that I am in fear.
I am not in fear of the law for perfect (love Christ, the Father, and the Holy Ghost) has casted out all fear. There is no fear in perfect love.
Oh And Marshall thank you for communicating your thoughts to me, much appreciated
Yes, I’ll be glad to answer your questions:
1) Yes, and the law is still in place, although those who are in Christ are no longer under the law because Christ fulfilled the law for us.
2) The new covenant (as the Book of Hebrews states) was put in effect by the death of Jesus. Salvation has always been in the new covenant (i.e., by grace through faith).
Now, will you answer two questions for me?
1) Did Jesus teach people to live under the law while he lived on earth?
2) Decades after Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, did Jesus’ followers (who were living in Christ in the new covenant) write to others about living under the law in their Gospels?
Alan I agree with the amswers to those questions 100%
and yes i will answer these two as well
1) Did Jesus teach people to live under the law while he lived on earth?
No, he showed them their inability to ever be perfect under the old.
let me explain, The people were already under the law and were already trying to obey the Law, yet no one had ever so far ever obeyed it completely. Jesus knew this; that is why he showed them their incapability to be ever made righteousness through the Law, even though the law is pure, just and Holy in itself. The requirement was and is perfection. So even the religous went against Jesus and said Abraham is their Father and we obey. So Jesus answered and said to them if you even lust in your heart after another woman, you have committed adultery. The religous answered we do not do this, so Jesus said one further if you are even angry at your brother you are in danger of Judgement of the San Hedrin, for you have commtted murder. So does this show me my inability to obey the law, yes it does. What about anyone else reading here? Jesus job was to fill the old covenant and the prophets about him being the Messiah to bring in the new, which can never be enacted until the death, but first he had to all that is right and he is the only one for he was born of a virgin and the rest of us are not. This is why it is vitally important to be born again, which is your belief is to be dead in the flesh in the Spirit of your mind, and alive through the power of God via the cross where perfection from Christ was and is completed, sending you the comforter to teach you all truth. Now what the law could not do which was bring perfection to the Jew, and boy they knew this because of sacrifices animals and sheedding that innocent animals blood year after year to atone for their sins. At this time while Jesus was on this earth this was not good news, for all were being anhilated through the exposure of Jesus showing them all their imperfection and that his Father requires perfection period. It is in the Lord’s prayer forgives our debts as we forgive our debtors. This forgiveness is conditional, and was a part of the old covenant that was in place at the time of christ’s walk here on earth.
So i state it again no HE DID NOT TEACH TO LIVE UNDER THE LAW WHILE HERE. He taught all those there and here now looking back that under the law you are under the curse. So why would he ever teach to live under the law?
2) Decades after Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection, did Jesus’ followers (who were living in Christ in the new covenant) write to others about living under the law in their Gospels?
Yes about living under law and that living under it creates the curse. Paul especially, and how that is not what Paul wanted or had told them. as a matter of fact re read Romans chapters 6, 7, and 8. This discusses the differance between the flesh and spirit. The flesh brother is always under the law and or some sort of law, the flesh never ever is free from the bondage of sin. But ones recreated Spirit by the operation of God himself is made alive and whole, in perfection, and we are admonished throuhout the epistles to die to the flesh in the Spirit of your mind and walk alive in god as to what has already been done in you through the holy Ghost that god the Father implanted in you the first day of belief Ephesians 1:13. The moment one believed, god made that one perfect because now that one; is viewed as perfect from god the Father of Christ, because Christ made it this way. What the law could not do Christ did for you in your stead obeyed the law complete, and for all that believe. Old things are past, and all things are new. The epistles, Ronmans, Galatians, Corithians were writings to them to straighten out the errors that they had adhered to. And brother this is still going on today.
There is another question for you and all that are reading this
If any of you recognize that there is error in your truth. then it is time to rethink your truth
oh also in case interested there is post called anileated on my blogger about waht I wrote you here today in respons to your ?
Oh and also, i am elated to be scrubbing each others back as well as backs here on this sight over the truth that sets one free
God has the truth; we all understand it imperfectly, including you and me. But, we can continue to grow together.
Teaching others that they cannot approach God through the law is part of the new covenant and part of helping people live in Christ. Thus, I think your answer shows that the Gospels and Acts are still helpful for us today and examples of living in the new covenant in Christ.
The Gospels were written to help people both believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior and to live in him. In the Gospels, we see Jesus himself proclaiming life to all who come to him. This is the new covenant, in the Gospels.
By the way, Jesus not only taught that people could not live under that law, he also taught that true life, salvation, atonement, and relationship with the Father was only through him. That is not related to the curse of the law or the old covenant. That is new covenant teaching, and it is found throughout the Gospels.
Thanks Alan I see this as well, and that is what I believe I am doing is sharing what has made ne free not in bondage any longer for I learned in the beautitudes where Christ said blessed are those that hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. Well i learned what this meant in the new covenant, this is filled in you, and all believers, that are in Christ, along with all the rest of those sayings in the beautitudes, are filled whether the believer knows it or not, coming from God’s vantage point
I thank you Alan for your debating with me, in the Spirit of Christ, seeking truth and stating it, you are a brother from what I get from your responses
Love Howard
Yes that is right that it was coming such as i just said prior post, and the problem in that day even the disciples did not understand this coming of the new until afterwards. They thought the kingdom was coming that day on earth and even Peter of the flesh pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of the soldier, yet Jesus had Peter put the sword down and healed that soldiers ear instantly.
Wow!!! now for me to read this and while reading this I visually see me as if I am that soldier and thus feel my ear being put back and healed. This s the type of effect learning Christ has gotten on me
Thanks alan again for pointing this out about the testimonies of Christ prior to the new covanant being in place, there is a lot of understanding from all that did get written down, for Holy Ghost points all truth out about Christ and christ’s Father, we are connected in the new
The message of the new testament is to the ethnee that they can be remarried to the Lord. He died that he could remarry his divorce wife of Jer 3 the Law of divorce is in Deut 25. Jesus said he came only for the hebrews of the house of Israel ane he dispatched his learners to the ethnee the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He said not to go in the way of the heathen gentiles. Salvation is only to the Hebrews for the angel said to Joseph matthew 1:25 that he was to name him Jesus and he was going to save His People from their sins. No heathen gentiles included. The church start as a mistranslation and it has deceived the gentiles ever since that they can be saved, The New Testament is only to the House of Israel that was scattered following the divorce in Jer 3
In the OT is was the wife that was divorce and in the new Testament is was the wife that was redeemed, No gentiles included. In Matthew 16:18 the it is a her as it is in Ephesian 5:27 It was the wife that he was going to present her to himself glorious. In revelations it is the wife that makes her self ready. No gentiles are included at the wedding.
If one is just a follower or a beleiver that does not make him into a Hebrew for never has a snake or dog been converted to a hebrew, In the last day the ethnee will no longer call him my Lord but MY Husband. The gentiles will never call him my husband. All the missionary work to go out and save the lost and dying will never get them converted into sheep. Jesus said not to go to the ethnoon gentiles, Jesus only loves the children of his two wives, Aholah and Aholibah. He died that he can be remarried to Aholah. The new covenant is not yet given for it is only given to the House of Judah and the House of Israel, No gentiles mentioned.
See my web page for more details on Aholibah and Aholah and the reason Jesus had to die.
Jerry Collins
Your understanding of salvation only for Israel instead of salvation for all people leaves out large sections of both the Old Testament and the New Testament.
As it says in Hebrews that the handwritten document was nailed to the cross, it was the bill of divorcement that he had given his wife in the OT and he willingly went up to die for the right to be rejoined to his wife. They did not kill him on the cross for he died then they pierced his side when he was already dead. And by his stripes the children were healed of their desire for Idol worship. The stripes that were laid on him was not for physical healing but the healing of the House of Israel see Peter 1-2 He was the price paid to get the treasure in the field. The Hebrews were a twice purchased people and a royal priesthood. Paul only went to the lost sheep of the house of Israel known as the ekkleesias or the ones invited out of the gentiles where they were scattered by the father. No gentiles were ever scattered and re-gathered all that awaits the heathen rejected gentile is the wrath of the father. Gentiles are just a bag of bones waiting to fall down. In the last days when the harvest is ready the angels come for an ethnic cleansing or a genocide to wipe out the heathen gentiles in the fields of the master. None from Africa or the Middle East or Russia are included as Hebrews of the House of Israel. Jesus said to go to the ethnee the right children of God from the beginning. Matthew five is only to the ethnee It is one of the place where Jesus said he came to fulfill the law not to do away with it. He came to fulfill the law of divorcement in Deut 24. Salvation is by race and race alone and it you are a hebrew then it is by grace through faith of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul says in Roman 1:17 the righteous by faith shall live, the Hebrews were already righteous from Mount Sinai of Arabia. They do the things of the law naturally for they seek the things of God. Jesus was fully aware of the Law of divorcement that he quotes in Matthew 5:31. He knew that to be rejoined to the wife he would have to die, otherwise the cross had no value. If the wife died there would be no one to marry so it took a miracle that he died and was raised by the father after 72 hours in the grave, In Isaiah 54 he says to the wife after he is raised that the desolated wife has more children than the married wife, he then tells the wife to rejoice. It is all about the wife in the OT and the NT.
Your friend in search of the truth
Jerry Collins
Amos 9:11-12, Isaiah 60:30, Isaiah 65:1, Jeremiah 4:2, and many other passages in the Old Testament talk about salvation coming to the nations (the Gentiles). Acts 10-11 especially in the New Testament explains that God brought salvation to the Gentiles through Jesus Christ. Luke makes it explicitly clear in this passage: “And they glorified God, saying, ‘Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.'” (Acts 11:18 ESV)
Feel free to continue to discuss this on your blog, but I’m going to ask you not to bring this teaching back here. Thank you.
Jerry, so there is no chance for the gentile, the gentile has never been grafted into the tree. Is God (Jesus) or God the Father LOVE?
How would loving only those that love you fit in? For Jesus said this if you only love those that love you, how can you call your self a believer for the the heathen do this as well? Or better yet the way you just put it, is that God only loves the Hebrew period. I am wondering how you can or anyone can explain God is LOVE, under these conditions. thanks Howard
Wow!!! Jerry, Accordingly the God you just explained is not the God that I know, and I want nothing to do with the liar from the beginning, so Sir, you keep your love of power if you so wish, free choice, and I along with the rest of the believers will stick with the power of love.