the weblog of Alan Knox

Watch out for those unpatriotic (supposed) Christians!

Posted by on Jul 3, 2012 in blog links | 9 comments

I’m really worried about Jon from “Jon’s Journey.” His post “Unpatriotic Blasphemers and Traitors” crosses a very important line.

Everyone knows that being a Christian goes hand-in-hand with being a flag waving citizen of these here United States of America!

If someone doesn’t love the Stars and Stripes forever, then maybe that person doesn’t love God.

Sure, Jon includes some quotes from early Christians, but there wasn’t an America then, was there Jon? So, those quotes are completely useless today.

Yep. Be an American tried and true, or you’re not a good Christian.

Oh… wait… Jon is talking about Canada. That’s different. Nevermind.

(In other words, read Jon’s post.)


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  1. 7-3-2012

    Canada isn’t even a real country.

  2. 7-3-2012

    I thought you didn’t do sarcasm? 🙂

    And remember!!! those who ARE passionate about the stars & stripes and the history of this beautiful country — don’t necessarily love God any less! (or are automatically less loving less wise less mature) It goes both ways! 🙂

  3. 7-3-2012

    Hey! What about Downunder?

    Pedro Fernandez de Quiros declared us to be The Great South Land of the Holy Spirit!

    So, stick that in your pipe and smoke it! 🙂

  4. 7-3-2012


    Canadians don’t have to be patriotic. If they are, they’re supposed to love the USA more than Canada.


    No, I don’t do sarcasm.

    Aussie John,

    So, Australia doesn’t count either. I would expect you to know that.


  5. 7-3-2012

    Thanks Alan… I think. Sarcasm aside, thanks for writing a post that sounds crazier than mine… I think. 🙂

    I’m just processing this out loud since I recently came across those quotes that don’t sound much like Christians I know today.

    However, in an attempt to find balance I’ll clarify: I don’t see a problem with loving your country, as long as we also equally love people of other countries. Our loyalty should be firmly rooted in the kingdom of God, but that doesn’t mean we can’t also be loyal to our countries in many ways.

    So yes Alan, you may be right. Christian Canadians maybe should love USA more than Canada… being humble, thinking of others better than ourselves (Phil 2:3), loving our neighbor as ourselves (Mark 12:31). 🙂

  6. 7-4-2012

    [I tried to post on Jon’s site but this Google account thing defeated me.]
    Having dual (or should I say triple…Canada, USA, and heaven) citizenship, I have been turned off for decades by the patriotism = Christianity rhetoric of this time of year. It seems to misuse the ‘sheep and goats’ passage to be collective entities called ‘nations’ as though the Judge of all Creation will condemn individuals for their geography or the actions of their leaders.
    I’m not suggesting that Christians should avoid anything that smacks of patriotism (like refusing to celebrate with a Christmas tree or allow pictures of Santa), but a clear distinction should be made between gratefulness for wise governmental decisions or the military sacrifices of the past and an all-out, unconditional endorsement of everything one’s country may be doing in the name of God.
    By the way, Canadians enmbrace the Canada Day sunburns because they represent the first time in the year when it is warm enough to go outside in shorts!

  7. 7-4-2012

    I think after the reformation failed to do much more than shift the scenery and trade one set of bad practices for another, God gave up on building the church and decided instead to build a Christian Nation.


    Can our taxes be reset at 10%?


  8. 7-5-2012


    Exactly – concerning the balance and Christians in Canada loving the USA. 🙂


    Canada Day sunburns? I’m learning something new here…


    Well, I think Israel’s taxes were probably closer to 33.3%, but that’s still better than ours. 🙂


  9. 7-31-2012

    I am writing a book entitled “Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Worldliness” Thanks for some more good material! Scripture is very plain on making a distinction between the eternal and temporal and where our hope and citizenship lies. In other words we should distinctly identified as “We The People of God” and that has to include the redeemed “from every tribe, tounge and nation.”