the weblog of Alan Knox

Some Church Comics

Posted by on Sep 13, 2012 in blog links | 8 comments

My friend Dan at “Some Church Stuff” has started drawing some comics about the church. So far, he’s drawn three.

And, since Dan hasn’t named his new comic series yet, I’ve decided to give it a name: Some Church Comics.

The first two are called “Makes Sense” and “Money.” Hopefully, they’ll both make you think.

But, the one that I appreciate the most is the last one that he’s drawn and published (so far). It’s called “Caring.”

Please take the time to look at and read that comic (at least). From what I’ve heard from different people, that’s exactly the way many brothers and sisters in Christ feel about the arguments and discussions about the church.

So, while you’re talking about caring for people… are you actually caring for people?


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  1. 9-13-2012


    Be cautious as to what you or your readers say if you comment at Dan’s blog, though. He might put you in his “Accolades” section, bringing your words into his spirit of mockery.

  2. 9-13-2012


    I’m mentioned in Dan’s “Accolades” a couple of times. I think, if you listen carefully to what Dan is saying, you can learn alot about the nature of the church in the US, and how people outside the “system” often view it. Plus, I love his honesty about his own struggles. It reminds me how we should act around our brothers and sisters in Christ.


  3. 9-13-2012


    Dan’s a realist when it comes to church matters. No gilding the lily! He calls a spade a spade, and knows how to use it!

    I, also appreciate his honesty, and sense of humor!

    Many times I’ve seen how legitimate sarcasm is used by the Holy Spirit to touches our conscience. Of course when one is touched by what Dan portrays, our less than thoughtful response will be to see it as illegitimate, as I did when he first wrote!

    I think God is using him. Go for it Dan! Be gentle!

  4. 9-13-2012

    Aussie John,

    I agree. But, it’s easier for me because I know Dan. It’s good to hear that others recognize how God is using him.


  5. 9-14-2012

    Great stuff…perhaps it takes a sense of the absurdities all around to appreciate such things…must be why I find some of the hard-hitting, no nonsense, no room for discussion comments so off-putting.

  6. 9-14-2012


    It really means a lot to read your words. I am trying so hard to be honest with myself about what I believe and about what I struggle with. It is crazy how hard it is to be honest with yourself about that, let alone to put it out there, and be honest with other people about it. I’m glad to know that it feels real to other people. That is encouraging to me.

    Thanks for sticking with me even when you weren’t sure about the legitimacy of my writing (I still question that myself regularly).

  7. 9-14-2012


    I agree.


    Thanks for sharing your semi-legitimate writing with us. 🙂


  8. 9-14-2012


    🙂 🙂 :)!