the weblog of Alan Knox

But if I can’t send my check, how would I show that I care about people?

Posted by on Oct 10, 2012 in blog links | 6 comments

Chuck at “Being Filled” asks a very interesting question in his post “What if Ministries Stopped Asking for Money?” Now, in his post, Chuck says that he’s not attempting to condemn the practice; he’s asking a question. (By the way, Chuck works for an organization that asks for money… and I do also.)

Instead of condemning the practice of asking for money, Chuck wonders if the groups are missing something by asking for money.

He says:

Jesus said not to worry about provisions. He said simply seek God’s kingdom, and all these things will be added.

Wouldn’t that apply to bigger ministries as well?

If a ministry truly is seeking God’s kingdom and doing his will, would he not provide for its financial needs?

And if a ministry is not seeking God’s kingdom or not doing his will, would it not be better for it to run out of funds?

It’s definitely true that we can keep something running on our own strength and abilities and fundraising acumen… but that’s not necessarily a good thing.

But, there’s another side of this question. What about the people who are sending in the money… faithfully writing their checks or filling out the online credit card forms.

If these organizations stopped soliciting money…. or didn’t exist… how would these people show others that they cared? How would they help people in need? How would they demonstrate the love of Christ? How would people even know about these needs?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 10-10-2012

    Thanks for the mention, Alan!

    Should this happen, it might just be a great chance for people to experience helping others directly and relationally, rather than just sending in a check.

  2. 10-10-2012


    ummm… but then we’d have to get to know them and spend time with them?


  3. 10-10-2012

    I’m assuming that you are familiar with George Meuler. He is a perfect example of one who ministered to orphans in the UK (I can’t recall the era) but never solicited others for money. He had such incerdible faith and prefered to submit his needs to the Lord directly. The Lord provided in AMAZING ways.
    I was thinking about this in terms of people we know who have chosen to go into missions. Aside from those who go to a foreign country to fill a job or need where local brothers and sisters are unable or unequipt to, I have begun to question the practice of those who are young and able bodied who remain here in the US and minister through friendship type ministries. Wouldn’t it be more prudent to just minister as The Lord leads you with the poor or on college campuses and just work and support yourself, sharing with those in your community when there is a financial need? There’s that and the whole teen summer missions trips that sometimes inundate our mail boxes with pleas for support in the late winter. I wish I had support like that to send ME to tropical climes!
    As for those who give “regular support”, I can think of countless people I know who need support right here in my own community and extended family. If our “giving” weren’t already tied up in “regular giving” I would have an easier time supporting those closest to me. That being said, isn’t it better for communities in general to buy (support) local?

  4. 10-10-2012


    Thanks for the comment. My questions were intended to be sarcastic… and I agree with what you’ve said.


  5. 10-10-2012

    I specialize in sarcasm! I must be losing my edge… 🙂

  6. 10-11-2012

    Genoise, I don’t like to elevate humans, yet I have always considered George Muller to be one of my personal “heroes” of the faith. 🙂