Checking in on One Another

The “One Another” chain blog is still going strong. Another new link post was just added to the chain yesterday!
As I’m writing this, it’s been 17 days since I started the chain blog back on October 1, 2012 with a post called “Chain Blog: One Another.” That post has been updated with all the latest link posts.
About a week later, I wrote an update/summary post called “Blog with One Another: A Chain Blog Update.” That post also had all the updated link posts as well as a short “teaser” from each post.
While we’ve covered many topics related to the topic “one another,” I think there are still many topics to cover. In fact, I have an idea for another topic. So, I may jump in again in a few days.
The more voices involved and the more topics covered, the better this chain blog will be. Do you want to take part in our chain blog? Then jump over the last link post in the chain and leave a comment that you want to write the next post. (See the two posts above for the links.)
Jump brother jump, the chain blog is a great idea!