the weblog of Alan Knox

Examining our comforts and traditions among the church

Posted by on Oct 8, 2012 in blog links | 3 comments

My friend Eric at “A Pilgrim’s Progress” has been blogging about the connections between comforts and traditions among the church and what we consider to be “right.” For example, check out his posts called “Living in the Tradition Belt” and “What We’re Born Into Is What Seems Normal.”

Eric is working through an issue that is extremely important and, at the same time, often extremely difficult to recognize from the inside. What issue is that? Whatever we’re used to is what we think is right, and anything different from what we’re used to automatically seems wrong.

He concludes his last post with this:

Questioning will not lead to the same conclusions for all of us. However, we will at least be seeking the truth. It is a dangerous thing to simply accept what we were born into. Better to seek the truth and apply it.

That’s so true. If we “grew up” gathering with other believers in a special building, then we will think that is both normal and right. If we “grew up” gathering with other believers in a home, then we will think that is both normal and right. And, in each situation, we will probably think the other is “wrong,” or at least look askance at anyone not doing it our way.

Of course, this applies to other practices besides choosing where to meet. And, it applies to those who may not have “grown up” in a particular situation but who have spent a considerable amount of time in that situation.

When we become comfortable or familiar with a certain practice, we typically assume that practice is right and other practices are wrong.

What are some ways that we can move away from these tendencies?


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  1. 10-8-2012

    Thanks Alan!

  2. 10-9-2012

    That is exactly the motive I have in developing my Revisiting Scripture book series…take a hard look at Scripture as it was taught in ‘my church’ to see if that can represent ‘right handling’ and what other ways of viewing those same passages are possible. If nothing else, the process makes it possible to be more charitable to those holding those other views.
    The eye-opening event for me was, in my early 20s, to encounter a nice couple in the apartment across the hall who offered wine with dinner…it led to revisiting all the ‘supporting Scriptures’ on total abstinence and realizing I’d been sold a bill of goods!

  3. 10-9-2012


    Thanks again for a great post!


    Yes, it’s always good to revisit Scripture, to ask ourselves why we’re doing or not doing certain things, to questions our various practices – especially those that we do regularly.
