the weblog of Alan Knox

Most Read Posts of 2012

Posted by on Dec 27, 2012 in scripture | 2 comments

Last year was a great year for my blog. While I’m excited that my posts got more hits this year than last year (and last year was up quite a bit over the previous years), I’m more excited that so many of you continue to interact with me and one another in the comments.

Since I started this blog in March 2006, I’ve published just over 4,000 posts, and those posts have received just over 24,000 comments. That’s an average of 6 comments per post! Of course, some posts do not get any comments, and some posts get many more than 6 comments.

So, thank you for reading, and thank you also for commenting! I truly learn alot through the comments on this blog.

These are the top 10 most read posts on my blog from 2012:

  1. What pastoring is NOT” (from April 2012)
  2. Why is it so difficult to find organic church life?” (from January 2012)
  3. From the Anabaptists: Spittlemayr on Love and Property” (from May 2012)
  4. Sermons sound like a great idea, but what are people getting from them?” (from February 2012)
  5. People want real examples of organic church life” (from January 2012)
  6. Which Distinctive Beliefs and Practices of Anabaptists are Important for the Church Today?” (from May 2012)
  7. The Call to Worship” (from November 2012)
  8. A Scholar’s Convictions Concerning the Church” (from July 2012)
  9. Chain Blog: One Another” (from October 2012)
  10. What do I mean when I use the word CHURCH?” (from August 2012)

Several older posts (from before 2012) also continue to get alot of hits. The pre-2012 posts below were the most read during 2012:

  1. Definition: Church (or Ekklesia)” (from April 2011)
  2. Guest Post: How does the church respond to poverty?” (from April 2011)
  3. The Day of Pentecost in the Upper Room” (from May 2011)
  4. Theological Sources: Scripture, Tradition, Reason, Experience, And?” (from February 2011)
  5. The ekklesia and the kuriakon” (from July 2007)
  6. Was Timothy the Bishop of Ephesus?” (from December 2008)
  7. Colossians – Exhortations about prayer and outsiders” (from February 2011)
  8. How Does God Communicate?” (from March 2007)
  9. What Scripture teaches about the church” (from March 2011)
  10. Ephesians 4:11 and the Five-Fold Ministry” (from April 2007)

Thank you again! I don’t think you’ll ever know how much I appreciate you.

What was your favorite post from 2012? Is it one of the ones listed above? Or another one?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 12-27-2012

    I nominate you ” poster man ” of the year…. Thanks for sharing your gift with the Body of Christ !

  2. 12-27-2012

    Hullo Alan

    Just to say how much I appreciate your insights and comments. They provide such worthwhile stimulation – and inspiration – thank you.

    It is a remarkable gifting you have, (would be great to sit face to face over a coffee, but Oz is abit to far away! 🙂 )

    I’m glad Rob posts you in Sowers Seed. (Along with keith Giles, Tullian, Miguel et al! Great reading).

    I just wish that what is being shared and revealed today, was what I had learnt and understood 40 years ago! (Sigh)

    Best regards