the weblog of Alan Knox

Replay: Jesus is not risen

Posted by on Mar 30, 2013 in discipleship | 7 comments

Three years ago, I wrote a post called “Jesus is not risen.” It was published around the time that many Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it just happened to have been published on April 1… April Fool’s Day. However, this is not an April Fool’s post. I’ve published a few of those, but this is not one of them. Instead, this is an extremely serious post. We can say that we believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ historically, but do we live in a manner that demonstrates we truly believe that Jesus was raised and is alive? It’s a question I think about often, and I invite you to think about it with me in this post.


Jesus is not risen

I know what you’re thinking. Either Alan has lost his mind, or this is an April Fools Day joke. Well, I don’t think I’ve lost my mind, and this is not an April Fools Day joke.

Instead, as I’ve been thinking about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, thinking how God might want to use me to encourage and teach the church, I’ve also been thinking about my own life.

Imagine for a moment that the person you cared for most in your life (maybe your spouse, or parent, or child) died. That person was dead dead… completely dead and buried. A couple of days later, that person rises from the dead. Note, this was not the result of medical intervention. The physicians gave up days ago. The mortician had already done his work. And, this dead person came back to life. What would be your response?

That’s what I’ve been thinking about lately. How would I respond?

I think I would respond to this “real” resurrection differently than the way that I respond to Jesus’ resurrection. Obviously, my response does not indicate that Jesus is not risen. But, my response (or lack thereof) does indicate what I really think about Jesus’ resurrection.

To be honest, I live most of my life as if Jesus was not risen. Oh, I “know” he’s risen. And I profess that he’s risen. And I believe that he’s risen. But, for the most part, when does his resurrection actually intersect my life? At what point is my life different – day by day, priorities, choices, actions, etc.?

My words are consistent: “Jesus is risen!” But, my life is inconsistent. Sometimes my life claims, “Jesus is not risen.”

I need help. I need reminders. I need more than an annual reminder. I need encouragement and admonition to live each day as if Jesus was risen and still alive. This is one way that I hope to encourage brothers and sisters when we talk about the resurrection. I guess that’s a good thing about this time of year. We tend to focus on the resurrection, while we’re thinking about bunnies and chocolate. But, what about other times of the year? What about next Monday?

So, when we’re talking about the resurrection, I’m going to ask my brothers and sisters to remind me – daily if necessary – that Jesus is alive. I’m going to ask them to warn me when I’m living as if he’s not alive. I’m going to ask them to show me how to live as if he is risen.

Jesus is risen! But, when I live as if he’s not risen, my words mean little. I thank God that he’s surrounded me with brothers and sisters in Christ who can help me live as if he is risen. Then, not only my words, but my life will say, “Jesus is risen!”


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-30-2013

    Dear Alan,
    If you know that each day is holy, then you will live your day with the risen Christ. Wherever you go, or stay there is Christ. Whatever you do, do it with Christ, for Christ and to Christ. Whatever you say, say it to Christ. Whenever you eat, sleep, work or even entertaining, always remember Christ is with you. Whenever you fall from grace into sin, believe Christ is there with you and He also get hurt but He will help you to get up and back on track again. Step by step, day by day, your life will be transformed into Christ-like. You may not know it but people around you know it. I didn’t say they will love you, or admire you. They may hate you because you are just Christ-like. And, voilà, the risen Christ has made home within you in the most natural way and very “organic”.

  2. 3-30-2013

    This goes hand in hand with the idea that God is “up there”. Jesus said he would never leave or forsake us. He also said He would leave His Comforter. Well, I guess we also tend to forget that He lives in us. We don’t live as if He is risen and we act as if He is in heavenly places.

    We need to remind ourselves and one another…He is risen and lives in us.

    Good reminder, Alan. Thanks.

  3. 3-31-2013

    Jesus is alive!!! and I want it to be true of more and more people that “Christ (is in us) – the hope of glory!!” – I want more and more (with ME being first) to truly surrender to Him and allow His life to live through them and bring out the good and strengths in them! I know He is building up His Bride and I can’t wait to see His face when He sees her and “all this other STUFF” has moved away and all there is our Lord & Savior and the people He has redeemed, saved, built up with His love! I can’t wait!!!…. but I have to.

  4. 3-31-2013

    so ONE positive of Easter is that I have family here visiting!!! so I get to write! 🙂 Here’s a post I wrote on this “easter” day about easter and such…

  5. 4-1-2013

    The pagan roots of Easter is from Ishtar to Eostre. Easter is a pagan festival. If Easter isn’t about Jesus, then what is the name that should be used for the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ? If Christians continue to call the feast “Easter”, then why some get upset about the pagan tradition?

  6. 4-1-2013

    I think I hear what you’re saying …

    Guilt, shame, trying harder… all of those things belong to fallen man – before the burial – before the baptism – before the resurrection.

    John 6:28-29 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

    Rather than trying harder or wallowing in our humanity – we need to get a better view of Jesus.

    Luke 19:2-5 A man was there by the name of Zacchaeus; he was a chief tax collector and was wealthy. He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd.

    So he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way. When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.”

    What Zacchaeus did that was so awesome – was this – he was trying to get a better view of Jesus. And as in Zacchaeus’ case – living a better life can never precede an encounter with Christ – it can only follow. I’m not talking about a one time deal – I’m talking about seeing Him more – knowing Him more – getting a clearer look than the time before.

    If we run ahead for any reason – it should be to position ourselves to get a better view of Jesus.

  7. 4-2-2013

    Thanks for the comments everyone. May we all live each moment and each day in the reality that Jesus is risen and that he is alive.
