the weblog of Alan Knox

The resurrection of Jesus Christ – more than an historical event

Posted by on Apr 1, 2013 in discipleship, gathering, scripture | 5 comments

While many churches advertised and celebrated their huge numbers yesterday, we gathered with a few families in the home of some good friends of ours. We didn’t have a band or choir or production. We didn’t have a rousing sermon or video presentation or drama. It was just a few brothers and sisters in Christ encouraging one another to live every day in light of the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

You see, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is an historical event – a very important historical event. But, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is much, much more than an historical event. It is a very present reality for every child of God.

Yesterday, after we all arrived and set our food out in the kitchen and talked about what was going on in our lives and prayed for one another, we started talking about the resurrection. It was a very challenging and encouraging discussion for me.

Challenging… because the discussion with my brothers and sisters in Christ reminded me of how often I do not live in the reality of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Too often, I live as if Jesus was not raised, and that this life and death will be final.

Encouraging… because the discussion was a reminder that as we struggle, Jesus is present, and he is powerful, and he is full of grace and mercy when we fail.

First, the resurrection of Jesus Christ was a demonstration of God’s power, and that same power is still available to us today. This is what Paul wrote about the resurrection and God’s power:

[I pray that you might know] what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the working of his great might that he worked in Christ when he raised him from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly places… (Ephesians 1:19-20 ESV)

Second, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is a reminder that death is not final, and that we will be raised just as Jesus was raised. Paul wrote about this aspect of the resurrection as well:

But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the firstfruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:20-23 ESV)

Finally, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is the promise of the continued presence of Jesus with us – even today. Once again, Paul had something to say about this:

For if while we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more, now that we are reconciled, shall we be saved by his life. (Romans 5:10 ESV)

Obviously, there is much more to the resurrection of Jesus Christ than the three items that I listed above. And, we even talked about more aspects of the resurrection than that. But, those three are certainly important.

I’m glad that we talked about the resurrection yesterday. I’m glad that we encouraged one another to live in the reality of the resurrection yesterday.

My hope, though, is that we continue to encourage one another like this every day.


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  1. 4-1-2013


    Once in a sunlit morning
    A star twinkled on the leaf tip.
    A fresh dewdrop dripped.
    It dropped onto another leaf
    And another leaf.
    It moved from leaf to leaf
    Always twinkling on the leaf tip
    Like a star in the sunlit.

    A butterfly just hatched
    From her cocoon where she slept.
    She was going to meet
    The first rays of the sunlit.
    They warmed her up,
    She stretched her wings
    And started moving
    Up and down, dancing,
    Showing her beautiful robe
    In the early sunlit morning.

    The entrance was widely opened,
    He arose from his sleep.
    He breathed in the first breath
    And went out afresh
    To meet the first rays of sunlit.
    He had conquered death,
    He defeated evil in the depth.
    Rising from the dead
    He was God, the Almighty God of Life.
    He was the Lord, the Lord of Hope.
    He was Jesus, the glorious Christ of Love
    In a sunlit morning.

    Duc Minh Bui

  2. 4-1-2013

    Glad you all had a great encouraging, challenging day.

    We had such a blessed day yesterday. I was having such a cranky morning as I battled the frustration of life. But God turned it around so beautifully!! We brought food to some friends in need and I really felt Him confirming to me that it was the best way we could ‘worship’ God in those hours. As we passed through the wealthy party of town we enjoyed watching all the cute southern ladies in their Easter bonnets headed to ‘mass’. God used even those cute bonnets to bring us a smile. He reminded me of my grandma and how she wore bonnets on Sunday and how much she loved Jesus…. God meets anybody, anywhere they are. My grandma was always “in Church” on Sunday and related to the Church that way….and she was the most faithful woman I know… a great humbling reminder for my heart that was frustrated over what Church has become.

    After that, we just enjoyed each other as a family, acted out the resurrection story with our children and then had church family over for a meal. We enjoyed a feast together & then the “Lords supper” wine & bread. We prayed together, read scripture, read excerpts from the new children’s book we got (the author of the Jesus StoryBook Bible – her new book Thoughts to Make your Heart Sing) and really just enjoyed Jesus and celebrated Him and how exciting He is.

    We shared how thankful we are for what He did, what it means for our future and all we have to look forward to and what it means for us today to live always in His presence. The excerpt we read from Thoughts to Make Your Heart Sing read, “glorify means to make a big deal of… when we glorify God, our hearts are actually filled with joy”… my paraphrase

    I can say that yesterday was what I have been wanting & praying for and waiting for. Looking around you couldn’t tell who was blood family and who wasn’t. It was a safe place full of love. In our small number of people, there was unity in Jesus and such a glimpse of what heaven will be like! We had people there from different denominations, different age groups, lifestages, different socioeconomic classes, even those who experience Church differently each week. And it just didn’t matter. Nothing matters but Him. OHH I can’t wait for that!

    It gave me so much hope & really grew my trust in the Lord to build His Church – and that what He is doing is worth the wait & frustration and even though nothing will be perfect here — what He is doing that will last for eternity is way better than anything we can imagine!

    Our hearts were so overflowed as we made a big deal of Him yesterday. I was so full and excited and this gathering & this day were such glimmers of hope for me to know what Church could be like and what my forever is going to be like!

    Glorifying Him, really DOES fill *our* hearts — I wish we could make a big deal of Him every day together!!!

  3. 4-2-2013

    Wherever Christ is there is peace and joy. Our hearts must not be troubled by outside controversial events. All is serving His purpose. All is fulfilling His plan. All is well.
    Do not let any discord affect our hearts. Do not let the evil tempting our SELF. All power is given unto our Lord. All is under His control. All is well and we should have peace and joy in Him if we trust in Him and know His is the Master of all in the entire universe.

  4. 4-2-2013

    Duc —- I agree that when we trust God and trust in His love & sovereignty — He gives us great peace & joy!

    We can *know* that… but the hard part is living it out in all circumstances & all days – when emotions are high, emotions are low, bodies are physically tired or weak, relations are strained, etc, etc.

    BUT! God is the potter of our hearts and we can trust that He IS working all for our good & His glory and He is transforming us! Even on our cranky days when we aren’t showing much faith….

  5. 4-2-2013

    Duc and Randi,

    Thanks for the interaction. Let’s continue to encourage one another to live in the reality that Jesus is risen and that he is alive.
