the weblog of Alan Knox

Missional Tribe

Posted by on Jan 9, 2009 in blog links, missional | 1 comment

I’ve joined a new social networking site called “Missional Tribe“. Here is one description of this new site:

It is a space where story and praxis is given emphasis over the theoretical and conceptual. It is a kinship of diverse people who practice “the way of Jesus,” a way that informs and radically transforms their very being. It is a place where the great conversations around the missional paradigm can be brought together so they are evergreen and accessible.

I’ve decide to cross-post my “stories” series on my Missional Tribe blog which I also named “stories“.

Also, I’ve started a group called “Missio Academia“. This is how I described this group:

Can scholarship and missional living coexist? Is it possible for those in the ivory tower to reach out to those living on the streets? Let’s discuss the dangers, pitfalls, and possible benefits of academia to missional living.

We haven’t had any maj0r discussions yet, but perhaps some of my readers would want to take part.

Finally, there is a video of a very good discussion between David Fitch and Ed Stetzer on the topic “What is Missional?” Apparently, this video is part one of a multi-part video.

If you decide to join “Missional Tribe“, look me up.

One Comment

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  1. 1-10-2009

    I’m very glad you’re a part of MT. Thanks for posting this.