the weblog of Alan Knox

Encouraged by the church again…

Posted by on Jan 29, 2007 in edification, service | 9 comments

Last night, a dear friend of our family handed me a hand-made card with a very encouraging note inside. I asked her if I could share it here, and she said that I could. I pray that this encourages you as much as it encourages me:

I want to say “thank you” for the way you “pastor” our church family. We were talking with another couple today over lunch and I shared with them that I’ve always been a person that is very “involved” at church (volunteering for this & that), but I’ve never been more challenged to minister than I have been as part of this church. Your philosophy of ministry, that each member is to minister, causes me to continually reflect on how I personally am ministering to/through the church. When I see a need not being met, I know that instead of just complaining about it, I should pray about and act on it. Thank you for this challenge you have given me. I pray that I will depend more on the Holy Spirit to use me within the body.

How encouraging! This dear sister has stopped trying to “get involved” in church programs, and has started seeking God’s will for how he wants her to serve others.

How does God want you to serve?


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  1. 1-29-2007

    That is very encouraging – thanks for sharing. It’s so freeing to realize that that “getting involved” is not what it’s about, but seeking the Lord’s will IS what it’s all about. Perhaps if more of us did that we could do away with so many fruitless “ministries” and programs.

    How does God want me to serve?

    Since we have come back from our trip to LA, Brandon and I both know that God wants us to serve the people in our community by simply meeting their needs and building relationships with them – *consistently*… to love them like Jesus and to love them right into the Kingdom. In that, we see that God wants us to serve our family in Christ by being examples to them in serving people outside the four walls. Did that make sense ? It’s early 😉

    We are going to try to be agents of change in our “local church body” (again, you have messed up my being able to use certain terms, which is a good thing). I have long been frustrated with programs and formulas and the plethora of ministries that bear no real fruit. I am also frustrated with ministries within the church that are half-way done. I think this is a result of our thinking we need to give “Spiritual gifts tests” and then plug everyone into the “ministry” that “fits” their gift (that they figured out from the little man-made test) … that puts such an undue burden on people. I could go on and on, but I won’t for everyone’s sake 🙂

    So, to make this even longer 😉 … God is calling us (Brandon and me) to begin simply loving our community – actually getting out of our seats and into the streets – and to be examples to our “local church body” of how to actually minister to people rather than being plugged into a program.

    We’ll let you know how that goes … it will probably be a long process!

  2. 1-29-2007


    It looks like you’ve the perfect program: love God and love others. Keep us posted as God leads you to serve others in his name.


  3. 1-29-2007

    I agree with Heather–this is a very encouraging post.

    It is about loving one another and being available to meet needs that are there (even when it’s not convenient!)

    Sounds like the people that are closest to you are aware of your heart to encourage others to recognize their specific gifts and talents. That is a huge compliment!

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. 1-29-2007


    Welcome to my blog. I haven’t met you, but you must be a “grace-filled” woman to live with Steve. (Don’t tell him I said that.)

    Thank you for the comment. That note was very encouraging, and it came at a time that I truly needed it.


  5. 1-29-2007


  6. 1-29-2007


    What? Did you read something you were not supposed to read?

    Trust me, my wife must be “grace-filled” to live with me as well.


  7. 1-29-2007

    Oh my…I think it’s too late, Alan.

    Actually,(about your “grace-filled” comment) I believe it is the other way around!

    Thanks for the welcome. I’m sure I’ll be back 🙂

  8. 1-29-2007

    hehe, you two are too funny! 🙂

    Christy is being modest here. She IS very grace-filled, and is a joy and a delight to live with, to be married to, and to share this journey of life in Christ with.

    God knew what He was doing when He led us to each other. It was an outpouring of grace on both of our lives, and the 2 1/2 years we have been married have easily been the very best 2 1/2 years of my life.

    OK, I’ll stop using your blog to brag on my wife. I need to write this on my blog!! 🙂

  9. 1-29-2007

    Christy and Steve,

    I’ll let you two decide who is more “grace-filled”. Since I started all this with the comment about Steve, it obviously isn’t me.
