the weblog of Alan Knox

Encouraged by the church…

Posted by on Jan 22, 2007 in edification | 2 comments

Okay, so we gathered with the church this weekend… several times. Two things stand out from this weekend that greatly encouraged me. These were not the only two things that encouraged me. I was encouraged by some songs that were sung. I was encouraged by teaching. I was encouraged as several people shared words of thanksgiving and praise. I was encouraged by a “baby shower” (I did not attend though). But, what two things did the church do that encouraged me the most this weekend?

  1. We were spontaneously (that is, unplanned) invited to share pancakes with a couple of families Saturday evening.
  2. A good friend came out in the freezing rain to bring us key lime pie for our anniversary. Our anniversary was actually last weekend, but there was sickness in his family and our family last weekend. So, his family remembered us this weekend.

I pray that God has used me to encourage other believers as well… maybe even in small things like pancakes and key lime pies.


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  1. 1-22-2007

    I know that I was encouraged by the comments you and Lew left at my blog. Thank you.

  2. 1-22-2007

    I wish we could have been there to share in the edification. I’m happy to hear that things are continuing to go well with the church body. It is thrilling to see, even from a long way away, a group of believers continue to try to live out a biblical model of what a fellowship should be.