the weblog of Alan Knox

How do we deal with Christian brands?

Posted by on Jan 4, 2007 in blog links, unity | Comments Off on How do we deal with Christian brands?

Michael Spencer, the Internet Monk, has a very interesting post titled How God Ruined Church for Me: A Post-Evangelical Apologia. Yes, the post is long (very long), but it is well worth reading.

Consider this paragraph:

The work of bringing unity in the body of Christ isn’t a work of structure and institution. I doubt if God cares how many different ways we gather, worship, work or do mission. The work of unity is a work of the Holy Spirit in my heart, bringing me to love other Christians and to see Christ in them and for me.

Praise God for his church, especially the mongrels and mutts! I realize that some will read this article and begin to point out flaws in the various denominations. I choose to recognize that God can work in different ways. Certainly each group is wrong in some aspect of theology or practice. But, then again, I am included in “each group”. Perhaps if we looked beyond denominationalism, we will recognize the manifold glory of God being revealed by his church.