the weblog of Alan Knox


Posted by on Mar 21, 2007 in personal | 37 comments

One year ago today I started blogging. It seems to be a tradition to celebrate your blogging anniversary, so this is my obligatory post.

In my first post, “Questions“, I listed some of the questions that I had been asking about the church. (Well, actually that was my second post. My very first post from the same day was called “Welcome“.) These are the questions that I listed a year ago:

  1. What is the church (essence, nature, purpose, etc.)?
  2. When does a group of people become a church?
  3. Is one church dependent, independent, or interdependent on other groups?
  4. What is the purpose of the gathering of the church?
  5. How are the various spiritual gifts exercised in the meeting of the church?
  6. What is the nature of church leadership?
  7. How should church leaders interact with others in the church?

I’m still asking many of these questions. I’ve learned much about the church during the last year, but I know that I still have much to learn.

Since last November (just over 4 months), I’ve also been tracking stats associated with this blog. I thought this would be a good place to look back at some of posts that I enjoyed the most and some of the posts that others seemed to enjoy or interact with the most.

My favorite post is one called “Not forsaking, but encouraging…” In this post I examined Hebrews 10:24-25 in order to determine if that passage proscribed attendance at a church meeting.

The most read post since November has been “Messy Meetings…” followed closely by the post “Unity in Christ…” Both of these deal with issues that continue to be imortant to me. I hope to address these issues again soon.

The post that received the most comments was “New Barna Article on House Churches…” followed by “Minimalist Definition of the Church…

Perhaps the most interesting stat, at least to me, concerns the post called “Leadership, Obedience, and Authority…” This post is the third most viewed post since last November, but there were only eight comments. I’m not sure what this means, but it is interesting.

Finally, I want to thank all of the people who spend time reading my blog, especially those who also choose to interact in the comments. You have encouraged me, challenged me, and stretched me. God willing, I will continue to study the church. I hope to hear from many voices within the church as I post my questions and an occasional answer.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-21-2007

    Of all our Christian experiences we may truly say with the poet: “They are but broken gleams of Thee;/And Thou, Lord, art more than they.” May your website continue to glorify Him as it has in the past. Congratulations, brother Alan.

  2. 3-21-2007

    Congrats on one year of blogging! It’s been a real pleasure getting to know you here and on my blog, and I look forward to meeting you and getting to know each other in person very soon!

    May God continue to bless you as you seek answers to so many questions, and may he be gracious to allow you to find some of those answers.

    Thanks for all you do to encourage and strengthen the church. Even in your questions, you help encourage and strengthen, Alan.

    Many blessings, my dear brother!

  3. 3-21-2007

    Alan –

    I’m so glad that I found your blog! You are a blessing!


  4. 3-21-2007

    Dr. Black,

    Thank you for the kind words and the encouragment.


    The pleasure has been mine. I’m also looking forward to meeting you.


    Thank you. You and Brandon are a blessing to me as well.


  5. 3-21-2007

    Happy Anniversary to you! You have indeed shared some great stuff over the past year. I took a moment click on the links of the posts you highlighted and agree they are helpful articles and an interesting read. Keep up the good blogging.

  6. 3-21-2007

    Alan – Happy Anniversary. And thank you for the teaching you offer through this blog. I have been so challenged/blessed not only by the posts that appear here, but by having the opportunity to see you live them out in real life.

    “I love you” (or “hello”, whichever you prefer). ha, ha.


  7. 3-21-2007


    Thanks for the kind words. I’m always encouraged and challenged by what you write.


    “Hello” to you too. Margaret and I have been blessed to know you and Ed and Samuel.


  8. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  9. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  10. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  11. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  12. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  13. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  14. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  15. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  16. 3-21-2007

    Since I’m a newcomer to your blog, we don’t have quite so much history, but I’ve really appeciated your thoughtful posts (including today’s about unity). Your posts on Watchman Nee have been especially good–as have the comments others have left. Just goes to show that you don’t have to rag on a denomination or go ballistic (read that political) to get people to think. Let the spirit trump the adrenaline! Keep blogging.

  17. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  18. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  19. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  20. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  21. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  22. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  23. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  24. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  25. 3-21-2007

    Back again. As I re-read the questions you asked a year ago, I realized that my own blog addressed some of them (particularly about church leadership) today at
    Let me know what you think.

  26. 3-21-2007


    Congratulations to you!

    One thing I like about you is that you ask the tough questions; keep asking.

    You are a blessed man of God. Keep up the good work.

    Thanks for an edifying and challenging blog!

  27. 3-21-2007


    Keep coming back. I’ll check the article on your blog later today.


    Thank you for the kind words. I’m glad that you enjoy questions, because I have more questions than answers.


  28. 3-21-2007

    Congratulations on being one year old.

    I providentially came across your blog via Dave Black’s blog, and have enjoyed the e-fellowship ever since.

    As an old teaching elder , I have looked for THINKING young Christians, and have found one in yourself and those who interact with you, studying the Scriptures for yourselves instead of simply repeating what others have written or said.

    I hope you have some sort of virus which cam be caught by young Christians in our country.

    May your tribe increase.

    Every blessing,

    Aussie John

  29. 3-21-2007

    This is often one of the best blogs out there. It may not be read as much as some of the bigs, but it is one of my personal favorites.

  30. 3-21-2007


    Welcome to my blog! You said: “I have looked for THINKING young Christians.” Meanwhile, I continue to seek the wisdom of more mature believers. Please, interact with us here and let us learn from what God has shown you.


    Thank you for your kind words. “One of the best” is a description that I think it would be unwise for me to try to live up to. I will simply continue to write about what I am studying and learning, and then hope to interact with others like yourself who can continue to teach me.


  31. 3-21-2007

    I have been blessed, too, by your blog, Alan. We enjoyed reading it while we were overseas–almost as much as we enjoyed the Skype calls. I do think it’s funny that John referred to you as “young” since your blogiversary is just the precursor to your upcoming birthday….and I know how old you will be! I know…don’t say it!!! Maybe these blogs are just a mid-life crisis thing. No, seriously, keep up the great work, brother.

  32. 3-21-2007


    God has taught me something very special through my relationship with you and your family. Fellowship can be maintained over long distances, especially when there remains some method of communication. (I understand a little more of what Paul felt when he thought about those believers in cities far away.) I’m looking forward to seeing you and your family soon! We’re praying for you.


  33. 3-21-2007

    Do you think you are any closer or have arrived at the answers to your questions? How would you have answered them a year ago vs. today?

  34. 3-21-2007

    “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” – Ephesians 4:29


    I thank you for the way that you have used this blog during the past year to communicate with humility ideas and convictions that have arisen from your study of Scripture, ideas and convictions which I believe our Father has uniquely gifted you to share with the body. I have been edified, encouraged, and admonished. And I praise God for it.

    God’s grace be with you.


  35. 3-21-2007


    I think I have arrived at some answers, but sometimes those answers just lead to more questions. Maybe I can explain how my thinking on the church has changed in a future blog post.


    As you know, this blog is much more of a dialog than many people realize – even people that comment on the blog. If it were not for brothers like you, Theron, Gary, Lou, and Dan – as well as many others – this blog would not exist. So, I thank you, and ask again, “When are you going to start blogging?”


  36. 3-22-2007

    I appreciate very much the interaction I’ve had with you (and other commenters) here. I have been challenged to think, learned a lot, and been edified in my faith these past months. I look forward to keeping up the conversation, and one day, God willing, meeting you in person.

  37. 3-22-2007


    You said: “I look forward to keeping up the conversation, and one day, God willing, meeting you in person.” I’ll just add my, “Amen!”



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