the weblog of Alan Knox

Fourth Blogiversary

Posted by on Mar 21, 2010 in personal | 4 comments

Four years ago, I published my first blog post at “The Assembling of the Church.” At that time, my blog was hosted on blogger. I also published blog posts much less regularly. You can read my other blogiversary posts here: first, second, and third.

Occasionally, I wonder if I should continue blogging. It does take time. But, for now, blogging has been very beneficial to me and to others, and it has been helpful in my PhD research. So, for now, I think I am going to continue. Of course, things could change.

I still think that the best thing about blogging is the interaction that I have with my readers. So, thank you for reading and commenting. I learn alot from you.

If you read, but haven’t commented yet, please consider doing so. We need one another as we attempt to live in Christ together.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 3-21-2010


    Although I’m a long time reader I don’t get the chance to comment as much as would like. Practice makes perfect though, and my typing speed is less than ideal. Congratulations on 4 years! I hope you continue in your blogging endeavor.

    Your blog has been both a personal inspiration and an essential resource in my ecclesiology research. Your biblical theology and NT Greek posts have been helpful as well.

    If I only get to read 1 blog post a day, it is usually yours as I follow you on FB. Keep up the good work, your efforts are much appreciated!


  2. 3-22-2010

    I don’t really like your blog, I do like the commentors so I keep coming back.

  3. 3-22-2010


    Your blog has been a great source of encouragement, as well as comfort, to this old timer. Much of what you write affirms my own convictions, which caused many internal struggles during the years of leading a denominational congregation.

    You challenge the status quo without rejecting those who hold to it, revealing the genuineness of your love of the brethren.

    You do something which most Christians don’t do, THINK !

    Unlike me, your use-by-date is, God willing, a long time off. I thank God for you and your sharing, and trust you will continue in the same vein.

  4. 3-26-2010

    Please continue.

    I can so relate to meaningfulness of having others comment. I blogged for a couple of years and it was so encouraging to get those comments.

    I think God is using you. I have recommended you to several friends and family members.

    Keep up the good work!