the weblog of Alan Knox

Learning from Church Synchroblog Wrap-Up

Posted by on Aug 8, 2007 in blog links, definition | 5 comments

Last week, I participated in a synchroblog called “Things I Learned From Church (That Didn’t Prove True And What I Am Learning Lately)” that was started by Glen at re-dreaming the dream. I enjoyed taking part in this synchroblog and reading everyone’s contribution.

I learned something very important by reading everyone’s blog posts. People who say they hate church or who say they have left the church, actually hate and leave the organizations and structures that the true church (the people of God) build around them and the implications and ramifications of those organizations and structures. The people (usually) maintain very strong ties to the church (the people of God).

Here is the final (?) list of blog posts that are part of this synchroblog:

Glenn Hager in Things I Learned from Church
Erin in
A New Synchroblog
Lyn in
Heather in Things I Learned From Church (That Didn’t Prove True And What I Am Learning Lately)
Alan in Here I am to worship
Jim in Things I Learned from Church
Lew in Grace vs. Works
Paul in Things I Learned From Church (That Didn’t Prove True) and What I’m Learning Lately
Benjamin in Synchroblog – Things I learned from “Church”
Sonja in Things I Leaned From Church
Julie in Faith, Certainty, and Tom Cruise
Aaron in what i learned from the church: hope
Monte in What I learned from church that didn’t ring true
Cindy in i’m too late but here’s what I learned/unlearned about church
John in Syncroblog: Things I Learned From Church That Didn’t Prove True And What I Am Learning Lately – Meme


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  1. 8-8-2007


    Hmmmnn! When I was in my teens and twenties I knew everything about Christianity, church,and anything else that could be known! Mid thirties revealed I still had a few things to learn. Late fifties? Much to learn! Now? I’m still learning and must admit that I know very little!!

  2. 8-8-2007

    Aussie John,

    “Much to learn!” Amen! Thank you for this reminder.


  3. 8-8-2007


    I was going to participate in that syncroblog but I felt I didn’t have time to write the book that it would have been. LOL

    Thanks for sharing your own thoughts and the links to the others. I’m sure I’ve shared here that I’ve been part of a ‘mega church’ for the past 7 1/2 years, and that, even though there is a lot of love in the people there, I’ve struggled with the whole structure of it all.

    What you’ve said here pretty much sums it up for me. A couple of months ago I told the ‘senior pastor’ and the ‘executive pastor’ that I was going to take a break from the church, either temporarily or permanently. They immediately replied that the church isn’t about going out and being an individual Christian. To which I immediately replied that I’m not taking a break from “the” church (the body of Christ), but rather I need to get away from the church system as it’s set up today.

    I have been so very refreshed to be away from it all, but I will say a large part of that is because I haven’t forgotten who I am as part of a larger body. One of the wonderful things that’s been confirmed to me (something I already knew intellectually, but not really experientially) is that growth doesn’t take place due to being part of an organized system and my place in the body of Christ isn’t dependent upon me being part of it either. God has indeed placed us all in the Body just as He desires – which is usually not the ways in which others would like to make us think.

    Well, I see I’m already starting on a book here… so I’ll end here. 🙂

  4. 8-8-2007

    Alan… You are absolutely right, Christ followers want to gather together and join with others in the mission of God. Often the desire remains even after several bad experiences. I think this desire is something that God has built into us. These people are looking for authentic ways to be the people of God… no games, no pretense, no lumbering structure, no confusing the organization for the mission, etc. Essentially, the love for the church, the real church, is still very much alive!

  5. 8-8-2007


    Don’t apologize for the long comment. Thank you for sharing part of your story with us. For many, there is no church apart from an organization. I’m glad that you are finding the church does exist outside of structure and organization.


    You said: “Christ followers want to gather together and join with others in the mission of God.” This is quite different from the standard “we must meet together because God commanded it”. It’s an amazing desire that the Spirit creates within us to live in fellowship and community with other believers. Only he can create that desire, and only he can satisfy it.
