the weblog of Alan Knox

A worship service

Posted by on Aug 6, 2007 in blog links, gathering, service | 6 comments

A couple of months ago, in a post called “The church meets here“, I asked what would happen if the church – that is, the people of God – began meeting in places where they could focus on serving people. For example, I suggested:

Taking it one step further, we know that God intends for his children to love and serve others. What if the church met in the most dilapidated house in the community? No, not the most dilapidated house owned by a member of the church, but the most dilapidated house in the community. What would happen if the church met in that run-down house and renovated it as they met together? After remodelling that house, the church could begin meeting in another house in need of repairs.

I offered other examples as well. We have been able to take part in several service opportunities due to some discussions and conversations that resulted from this post. Other opportunities are in the works now.

This weekend, I read Andrew Hamilton’s (Backyard Missionary) post called “Sunday service“. He relates some of the ways that they have chosen to meet together as the church:

We are committed to spending the first Sunday of each month in serving someone locally who could use a hand.

Part of the beauty of this project is that our kids get to be involved in ministry and service and they enjoy it. Ellie asked what we were doing today… I told her… ‘Oh cool! I love backyard blitzes!!’

I hope this type of gathering for the purpose of service becomes more common place among the people of God. Do you have other suggestions of how the church can meet together in order to serve other people?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 8-6-2007

    This is quickly becoming one of my favorite blogs. Your posts are thought-provoking and often challenging. Keep up the good work man! Do you reciprocate links?

  2. 8-6-2007

    Not that this would be for everyone… but how about meeting in a bar? I have a specific example of this. In a post of mine from yesterday, I shared an interview that comedian Mark Lowry had with Jay “Jamie” Bakker (son of Jim and Tammy Faye).

    Jay talked about having moved to New York and looking for a place to have church, and what he really wanted to do was to find a bar to being meeting in.

    He talked about a time when a big bartender came up to him and had him go in a back room with him. Jay didn’t know what to expect, but the bartender told him that his mom was dying, and he needed someone to pray for him and his mom.

    Jay says his only agenda is to love people, and I believe his heart is set on going right to where they’re at. In fact, he said that one bar actually asked him and his group to meet there.

    “Jesus was constantly going to people,” Jay says. And people were drawn to Him because “He went to where they were at.”

    What I really got out of this is that in order to love people, you have to get to know people. It involves building relationships with people right where they’re at, and not expecting them to come to where you are.

  3. 8-6-2007


    I’m glad that you find this blog thought-provoking and challenging. I think the commenters play a huge role in that. I’m not sure what you mean by “reciprocate links”.


    Thanks for offering an example. I hope otherings think about this and offers suggestions as well.


  4. 8-6-2007

    I mean do you trade links, as in, I list you, you list me, you know that whole NT patronage type of thing. If not, that’s totally fine with me. I’m asking because I’ve only been blogging for about 7 weeks now and nearly everyone I have mentioned as a link on my site has reciprocated the link on theirs. If you’re interesed, I’d love to trade links with you. One of the criteria I try to have for posting a link is that the person updates every day; you do that. I am about to remove my pal BW on there because he does not post every day (or just about every day).

  5. 8-6-2007




  6. 8-7-2007

    I list you, you list me

    When did Barney the Dinosaur get involved in blogging? 😉

    Now thanks to you, I have that annoying tune stuck in my head!! hehe