the weblog of Alan Knox

Our Sunday morning church worship service

Posted by on Feb 11, 2013 in discipleship | 2 comments

Yes, I know. If you’re a regular reader here, you don’t expect me to write the words “Sunday morning church worship service.” But, that’s what happened yesterday morning. Let me explain…

Last week, as I recounted in my post “Yes, the church really is the people,” we changed meeting locations for our regular weekly church gathering on Sunday, February 3. Instead of meeting in the normal place for our weekly gathering, we got together at the home of a friend who is still recovering from back surgery. Since she was not able to meet with us at our normal meeting place, we all came to her home.

(Of course, during the week we also get together at many different times and places: homes, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, even running tracks.)

A few weeks ago, some of our friends moved to another state. They’re currently trying to get their house ready to sell long distance – with some help of course.

So, at the end of last week, another round of emails went out: Would we all be interested in getting together at our friends’ house Sunday morning to paint? With only a day or two notice, we all jumped at the opportunity to meet together as the church in a real act of service – not just calling our meeting a “service,” but actually serving others.

Teenagers and adults grabbed rollers and brushes, cleaning supplies, drop cloths, and we all went to work. Around noon, one of our brothers ran out for some more supplies, and also picked up some food for everyone. We were not able to finish painting the whole house, but we did get a big chunk of the work done.

By the way, while we were painting and cleaning, we also talked and shared, sang some songs, and even shared prayer requests.

Gathering together as brothers and sisters in Christ in order to serve someone else… this is a real church worship service!


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  1. 2-11-2013

    Excellent worship service!

    By the way, are they painting with ‘holy rollers’ in that picture? 🙂

  2. 2-11-2013

    Great post, Alan!
    Knowing what you normally write about, the title sure drew me in and made me curious!
    How is your PhD going? I don’t get to read all your posts, so forgive me if I have missed the update…