the weblog of Alan Knox

Where are you taking Jesus?

Posted by on Sep 1, 2007 in blog links, discipleship, missional, service | 8 comments

This was posted at “Chronicles of the Way” in a post called “Jesus in the school“. This doesn’t require any commentary:

Ssshhhh! Don’t tell anybody, but Jesus is going to Gra-Mar Middle School each day. The government and the far-left have been trying to keep him out since the late 60s and I’ve managed to sneak him in every day this year. Most of the time he shows up in the most normal of circumstances: in the hallways between classes, in the teachers’ lunchroom, and even in the office every once in a while–he picks up my mail. So far, nobody has objected to him being here. I hope no one ever does. I really hope everyone sees him, though. What a shame for me if no one ever noticed him. After all, it is I who bring him every day. Yep. He rides with me into the school every day. I’m pretty sure he hates the traffic like I do, but we both know that its worth it to minister to these kids who so desperately need it. Jesus handled the discipline of four kids today. I suspect it was very different than the ways some of the teachers or parents discipline these kids. There was no yelling, no sarcasm, no over-the-top punishment. I’m glad he was there. If it had just been me, I would have jerked a knot in their heads. There are approximately 165 more days of school left this year. Unless I’m out of town or sick, I plan on bringing him with me every one of those 165 days. I cannot wait to see what Jesus does tomorrow!

So, where are you taking Jesus?


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  1. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  2. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  3. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  4. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  5. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  6. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  7. 9-3-2007

    Thanks for this post/link.
    Schools re-open in our area tomorrow. I sent copies of this to two of our members who teach in the public schools…just to encourage them and tell them that I appreciate their testimony there.

  8. 9-4-2007

    Hey Alan,

    That’s a great illustration… I bring Jesus to work with me everyday, but I think sometimes I make him sit over by himself. Unfortunately, I think I do this a lot to Jesus.
