the weblog of Alan Knox

Bursting the Christian bubble: update 1

Posted by on Oct 20, 2007 in discipleship, synchroblog | 2 comments

Last Monday, I published “Bursting the Christian bubble” as part of a synchroblog called “What Would Jesus Do With The Church” (WWJDWTC). (See this post or this post for details.) For this synchroblog, the authors were supposed to actually do something in relation to their post over the course of a month and report on their progress with updates. This is my first update.

So far, my family has done more to reach outside the “Christian bubble” than I have. Last week, while I was working, my family went to a nursing home with some friends who go every week. They were able to read with the residents, then spend time talking to them and getting to know them. We’re hoping that this will soon be a regular visit for our family. Visiting the nursing home will give us an opportunity to share the love of Christ with people who have very little contact with others.

Also, one night last week I was asked to substitute teach for another professor. So, I did not go to my son’s football practice that night. While my wife was at football practice, she was able to talk to some of the parents more than we are usually able to talk to them. One father in particular opened up to her about some of their struggles. I’m particularly excited about this because we are probably closer to this family than to any of the other families from the football team. I can see how God is building a relationship there.

Those are all the updates for now. I can see how God is using these opportunities to continue to move us outside of the Christian bubble and into the world around us.


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  1. 10-21-2007

    We have our own Christian bubble to burst. Your updates are encouraging to me, and I look forward to hearing more about this journey.

  2. 10-21-2007


    I’m glad that my family’s journey is encouraging to you. I hope you will continue to share your journey with us.
