the weblog of Alan Knox


Posted by on Nov 14, 2007 in love, service | 2 comments

I couldn’t think of a better title for this post. Our family is thankful. Yes, I realize that this is Thanksgiving season, but turkeys, pilgrims, and cranberry sauce are not the source of our thankfulness. It is getting colder, especially in the mornings. When we bought our house last year, it had a gas fireplace, but we are currently out of gas. So, Monday, I was planning to call our local propane company to order a refill for our propane tank. (In case you were not a reader last winter, some friends – who are still unknown to us – paid to have a propane tank installed and filled for us. See my post called “On being honored…“) However, before I could call the propane company, they called us. It seems that some friends have once again paid for our propane gas! So, to that friend or friends, our family wants to say, “Thank you!” Thank you for honoring us, and most of all, thank you for allowing God to work through you to bless our family. You have spurred us on to love and good works…

[UPDATE: This afternoon, a friend came by my office and handed me $100, a gift from another friend. Again, I do not know who gave us this money, but we are extremely grateful, both to you and to God.]


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  1. 11-14-2007

    I will have to post my reply to the autum leaves post feed here as it keeps crashing!!

    Hi Alan, sorry for the randomness and confusion. I posed a question in my own blog ( “biblical church: the irreducible minimum.” I am not talking about heresies in terms of burning people at the stake, just where any teaching has drifted from its scriptural origin.

    In this instant, as vague as the reference was, I was talking about the way in which the institutional and congregational approach has a cultural habit of teaching people not to share their perspective.

    To my understanding the bible shows a picture of all sharing in a culture of a family gathering around a meal. Today a large number of Christians are in a culture of a school room where they all look at the teacher.

    Obviously teaching is important but the structure was such that anyone could share.

    I had seen you interest in house church and leapt to far ahead in my ramblings, apologies!

  2. 11-14-2007


    Thank you for explaining. I understand and agree with you. I think I was most surprised when I learned that when Paul spoke to the church, Scripture mostly used the verb that means “dialog” or “discuss”. That doesn’t sound like the kind of teaching that I’m familiar with among the church.
