the weblog of Alan Knox

Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement

Posted by on Dec 17, 2007 in books | 10 comments

This weekend, I came across a recommendation for the book Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement by Stephen Crosby. This is the description on Amazon:

There is a new apostolic movement afoot, and it is leading many from the simplicity of the pure gospel. To be legitimate, the teaching emphasis and ministry expression of present-day apostles and prophets must reflect a correct gospel foundation: . the person and work of Christ as its focus, . spiritual death and resurrection as its method, . and the indwelling Spirit as its power. Instead, the new apostolic reformation movement, with its emphasis on apostolic authority, “spiritual covering,” loyalty, honor, submission, and government, has become the vehicle to build the philosophies and kingdoms of men. Dr. Stephen Crosby’s third book, Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement, probes these and other authority/submission issues from a biblically disciplined, Christ-centered, New Covenant perspective. Within these pages, every believer, church leader, apostle, or prophet who may have wandered from the simplicity of the gospel can find the road to recovery. Oh, where was this book when I was in seminary!? As the fourth in a spiritual lineage of shipwrecked preachers, I can testify to the life-threatening impact brought on by the stress of living under a faulty understanding of authority and control in the church. I have one thing to say about this book: better late than never! This book is a must read for all Christians. -Pastor Chris Savino, Wasilla, AK

Here is an excerpt from the book, (HT: Simple Church Journal):

The themes of honor and submission to authority are, of course, legitimate. They are in God’s Word. However, they are subordinate themes. When presented in a priority and hierarchical way of obligation, rather than the mutuality found in the “one-anothers” of Scripture, and if void of a death and resurrection spirit, empty of love and service, they become hopelessly contaminated and betray the Spirit of Christ…When these subthemes are emphasized, a church environment can become like a spiritual plantation where the apostle is the master and production overseer of the plantation and subordinates are the slaves, not sons.

Unfortunately, our library does not have this book. Has anyone read it, or does anyone know anything about it?


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  1. 12-18-2007

    I don’t have the book but I have heard good things about it. It is timely in that the so-called ‘apostolic movement’ has been gaining ground for some time. To me the movement falls into the old logical fallacy of
    1. Something must be done
    2. This is something
    3. Therefore we must do it.

    The apostolic movement as such comes at a time when we desperately need real apostles to go to the ends of the earth. But this movement builds a doctrine of leadership that is not new at all. It is the same old story of religious power and prestige that Jesus faced with the Pharisees, that gave rise to Rome, that motivates far too many pastors even today. It is a building up of our kingdom instead of His Kingdom. If this book addresses that properly it is indeed a must-read.

  2. 12-18-2007


    Thank you for the info! It sounds like an interesting book to me.


  3. 12-18-2007

    This caught my attention also. I think that I will order the book. It sounds like a solid corrective to the false teaching and authority that we experienced.

  4. 12-18-2007


    I haven’t decided if I’m going to buy it or not. If you order it, I hope you’ll review it for us.


  5. 12-19-2007

    sounds interesting. I am a pastor of an assemblies of God Church and have many many concerns about the so-called apostolic movement – at the heart of it I think they are just wanting to see ministry happen in a similar way to that of the original Apostles – healings, deliverance, eveangelism, etc – but as other have noted, when men get involved in the things of God sometimes they go awry. It started out with good intentions but has gotten out of hand with C. Peter Wagner appointing himself as an Apostle.

  6. 12-19-2007


    I have not been part of the apostolic movement, but I am familiar with C. Peter Wagner. I also think that my denomination has been affected by much of the teaching about authority. That’s one of the reason that I’m interested in this book.


  7. 12-20-2007

    I thought you might be interested in the link to the author’s website. Under “Downloads” there are PDF samples of several chapters of this book. His website is

  8. 12-20-2007


    Thank you for the link!


  9. 6-9-2008


    Dr. Crosby also has a book that I’d recommend for anyone that is either pentecostal in practice or in affiliation. That book, “Silent Killers of Faith” is one of the best books I’ve read that deals with some of the extremities of the pentecostal/charismatic movement, yet it is also transcendental in that it brings truth and life, even healing to those who are not part of or affected with the movement. Basically, the focus of the book is on overcoming legalism and performanced based religion-which in my observation-can be and oftentimes are prevalent in pentecostal churches of all kinds [though is also present in other denominations].

    If Dr. Crosby wrote “Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement” with the same level of wisdom and understanding found in “Silent Killers of Faith,” I have no doubts that you’d thoroughly be blessed by your book in question. For what it’s worth, “Authority, Accountability, and the Apostolic Movement” is available to purchase through

    In His service,
    Troy Crider

  10. 6-9-2008


    Yes, “legalism and performanced based religion” are prevalent in many (all?) denominations and even in non-denonminational groups. Thank you for the book recommendation.
