the weblog of Alan Knox

Caroling and opening doors

Posted by on Dec 18, 2007 in community, discipleship | Comments Off on Caroling and opening doors

Margaret and I love to sing Christmas carols. We especially love to get together with friends, walk around from house to house, and sing Christmas carols to them. We have been doing this since we were very young, and have continued it almost every year since we’ve been married. As we sing, we like to leave a small, inexpensive gift that includes our name and address so that people will know who we are. This year, Margaret baked candies and cookies, and we included a Christmas card with our names and address.

During the last two weeks, we have been caroling three times: twice in our neighborhood, and once in the Maël and Cindy’s neighborhood. We have another opportunity coming up in a couple of days to sing Christmas carols in Mark and Meagan’s neighborhood. Last year, we were not able to carol in our neighborhood because Margaret had ankle surgery just before Thanksgiving. So, this year we sang Christmas carols in our neighborhood for the first time.

Why do we like to go caroling? Well, besides having fun with our friends and singing songs about Jesus, we also think it is a good way to get to know our neighbors, or at least to introduce ourselves to our neighbors. For example, two neighbors, who have never been to our house before, have come to our door in the last week. Both neighbors mentioned the Christmas caroling. So, because we sang Christmas carols to our neighbors, we have had to the chance to get to know two of our neighbors better.

If you are looking for a simple and inoffensive way to introduce yourselves to your neighbors, try caroling!