the weblog of Alan Knox

Gathering with the church

Posted by on Dec 11, 2007 in blog links, edification, gathering | Comments Off on Gathering with the church

Before this past Sunday, I was either sick or out of town for three Sundays in a row. So, I was not able to meet with the church during our normal weekly meeting times. During this last week, however, we were able to get together with our brothers and sisters several time.

On Monday, David Rogers visited with us (see the post “Meeting another new friend“). Several of our friends joined our family and David at our home. This was a very encouraging and challenging time.

Then, on Wednesday, several brothers and sisters came over to our house to share a meal and to sing Christmas carols in our neighborhood (see the post “Caroling in our neighborhood” on our family blog). It was great to share good food as well as to be able to serve our neighbors with some of our friends.

On Sunday morning, we met with the church for our weekly formal meeting. It was good to see alot of people that I haven’t seen in a while. Besides the singing and teaching, two people shared Scripture that was very encouraging to me.

That afternoon, we were able to host several children from nearby government subsidized housing. Once again it was great to share a meal with the children and to play with them, all the while serving them with my brothers and sisters in Christ.

Besides these times of gathering with the church, several times during the week people dropped by the house to say hello. We love the people that God has placed in our lives, and we thank him for the way he loves us through them.

Here are a couple of recent blog posts in which people share about their meetings with the church. I hope these are encouraging to you as well:

Reflections on a Solomon’s Porch Gathering