the weblog of Alan Knox

Friends and Family Plan

Posted by on May 31, 2008 in community, fellowship | Comments Off on Friends and Family Plan

I’m still working on my last paper for my Spring PhD seminars. But, I took a couple of breaks at the end of last week to spend time with friends and family.

Late Thursday night, we took a late night trip down to Raleigh to get “Hot Now” doughnuts from Krispy Kreme. I love that red neon light! We were celebrating Cindy’s birthday. It was great to be able to spend some time laughing with good friends. The doughnuts didn’t hurt either!

Friday evening, some other friends invited us to their house for a cookout. Imagine 4 hours with 7 adults and 16 kids and hot dogs, a water slide, bean bag toss, cheese cake, water gun fights, conversation, light saber wars, and prayer. I am so grateful to God for the brothers and sisters that he has placed in our lives.

Everything is not always easy and fun. Within these same groups of friends, we’ve dealt with some important issues. But, we continue to remain family through those trials. Why? Because we are not just acquaintances who see each other one or two days per week for a formal meeting. We are family. We see each other as family and we treat each other as family. We’re learning what it means to be a community in Jesus Christ.