the weblog of Alan Knox

Traveling and Friends

Posted by on Oct 30, 2010 in community, fellowship, personal | 2 comments

Our family is traveling to Washington, D.C. But, this trip will be a little different. While this will be a family vacation (and, as homeschoolers, also educational), it will also be a “friends” vacation. What do I mean?

Well, first of all, we’re traveling with another family. We’ll be spending alot of time together over the next few days.

Also, we’ll be meeting other friends in the D.C. area. One family now lives near D.C., and we’ll see them for the first time in several years. Another family happens to be traveling through the area at the same time, so we’ll get to see them also.

Finally, another family is house/pet sitting for us while we are gone.

So, while this will be a family vacation, it will also be a vacation that is all about friends.

(We took a “friends” vacation to Disney World last year, and we love spending vacation time with friends. You should try it.)


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  1. 10-30-2010

    When are you going to take me on a friend vacation to see Aussie John?

  2. 10-31-2010


    Aussie John wouldn’t be much fun, But Aussie John’s Australia is well worth the trip!