the weblog of Alan Knox

Meeting with the family

Posted by on Sep 23, 2008 in edification, gathering | 2 comments

Sunday afternoon, when I returned home from meeting with the church, I was full – my heart was full, my mind was full, and my stomach was full. (Everyone loved Margaret’s chicken soup!) I pulled up my Google Reader, and found that Jonathan at “Missio Dei” had asked the following question in his post called “Your Sunday Experience“:

If you participated in some type of community today, what is the one sentence that would describe how you felt during the experience?

My first thought was, “One sentence? I can’t say anything in one sentence!” But, after thinking about it, I responded with this:

I was glad to be with my family again.

When we met together, I saw the family that went with us Saturday morning to spend time in a poor neighborhood in our city. I spoke with the young lady who wants to spend time with my daughter and another pre-teen girl. The family that spends time in the nursing home every week told me about their latest visit. I was encouraged when several brothers and sisters shared about people that God is bringing into their lives, and how they are allowing God to use them in their work places, homes, and neighborhoods.

I met a new friend Sunday. He said something about the “atmosphere” when we met together. I suggested that “meetings” are different when we consider one another family.


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  1. 9-23-2008

    “If you participated in some type of community today, what is the one sentence that would describe how you felt during the experience?”

    Meeting with the family…Great title for this post. We prayed for each other, shared Scripture, sang together, were challenged to live out our faith, encouraged one another with God’s goodness, and ate a meal together.

    I guess the one sentence that came to my mind was, “I really missed those who couldn’t be with us this week!”

    The next sentence might be, “Thank you, Jesus, for an eternity of Sunday’s!”

  2. 9-23-2008


    Sounds like you had a great time getting together with your family too.
