the weblog of Alan Knox

Upcoming Interview with Frank Viola

Posted by on Dec 13, 2008 in books, definition, edification, gathering | 2 comments

A few months ago, I received a review copy of Frank Viola’s latest book Reimagining Church. I finally published my review of that book almost two weeks ago in a post called “Reimagining Church“.

While I was reading the book and working on the review, I talked with Frank a few times on Facebook. I was able to ask him a few questions about the book, and he explained some things that he said in more detail. He also told me about an upcoming book that should be very interesting.

In the course of those conversations, I asked Frank if I could interview him for my blog, and he agreed. So, I sent him some questions, which he answered and returned to me.

On Monday, I will post my “interview” of Frank Viola. I tried to ask questions that were slightly different than the ones he is normally asked. Some of the questions deal the nature of “organic church”, while others deal with practical issues surrounding church meetings. Finally, I ask a few questions that are unrelated to the topic of the church and his book so that we can get to know him better as a person and a brother in Christ.

I hope you enjoy our “conversation”. Either Wednesday or Thursday, I also plan to publish my responses to Frank’s answers. I hope this turns into a very encouraging and informative “dialog”.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 12-14-2008

    “Reimagining Church” is a good book. I wish there were churches that look more like what Frank is suggesting, but we know of none, even in the house church movement. So our little group is doing our own thing.

    In a few minutes we are going to pick up trash in our poor neighborhood. Last week we met in a cafe to eat, discuss a Bible passage and pray. We’re trying to get to know the people and learn how to serve them.

  2. 12-14-2008


    It may be that no one has been part of the church as described in the NT – that is, the church as it should be. However, I think that should continue to be our standard and our goal. Thanks for the examples from your church! That sounds exciting!
