the weblog of Alan Knox

Promoting the Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology Seminar

Posted by on Jan 23, 2009 in blog links, definition | 3 comments

Dave Black is promoting the Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology Seminar on his blog (see his post from Thursday, January 22 at 10:42 am). I wrote about this seminar several days ago in a post called “Upcoming Seminar: Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology“, and I’ve uploaded a flyer for the seminar here.

This is what he says about the seminar:

Here are 5 reasons to attend the Developing a Biblical Ecclesiology Conference on March 21 at Bethel Hill Baptist Church.

1) I will not be speaking.

2) No one will try to sell you a package or a system (or even a book!).

3) You will not be asked to jump on a bandwagon.

4) No one will say, “This is the way to do church.”

5) You will never be asked to copy the “success” of someone else.

If you’re a pastor thinking that this conference will give you the “solution” to your church troubles, you will be more miserable if you attend. One of the greatest fallacies of modern evangelicalism is the notion that we can copy someone else’s “success.” The sole purpose of this conference is to get on our knees and on our faces and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the right solutions to our needs.

One other thought. We have been told that Christianity is rocket science. We have been told that only specialists can understand it. We have been told that is it very complicated. It isn’t. It’s really very simple — so simple it will shock us. I believe that Alan has some important insights into all of this. But I can guarantee that there will be no hype, just a humble, soft-spoken man who will share from his experience how the Lord Jesus is building His church in Wake Forest, NC. And I am really looking forward to being challenged to get on my knees and on my face and ask the Lord Jesus how He wants to build His church in Bethel Hill, NC.

Wow… he has high expectations. But, in reality, I do also… and not because I’m speaking. I’ve found that when people start thinking about the church outside of the traditional, organizational, institutional, and hierachical formats, great things happen! I’m very excited to hear what other people say during this seminar.


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  1. 1-23-2009

    Wish I could go. Sounds really interesting. I definitely agree (if I understand what you’re getting at) that more advanced methods won’t work. If anything we need less gimmicks and more Jesus. I know that sounds cliche, but it’s true nonetheless.

    Hope you can post some of the thoughts from the seminar on here when you get the chance.

  2. 1-23-2009

    have fun brother!

  3. 1-24-2009


    “less gimmicks and more Jesus” does not sound cliche to me. 🙂

    I will probably post some notes from my part of the seminar, as well as my reaction of the seminar overall afterwards.

    If they are able to record the seminar, I’ll also post audio.

    Joe (JR),

    I think it will be fun – especially a few things that we haven’t mentioned yet! Thanks!
