the weblog of Alan Knox

I walked on by

Posted by on Apr 7, 2009 in blog links, love, missional | 3 comments

Everyone needs to read this story in a post called “walking away from church” written by Aaron at “Regenerate“. This story illustrates how far we’ve come from Jesus’ example of the Good Samaritan, and how close we are to the priest and the Levite – doing things for God, but forgetting about the people around us.

This is how Aaron starts his post:

She stood there with her head hung low and a scarf over her head as she held a sign in her hand. At first I couldn’t quite make out the words but then, almost instantly, they became clear: “Sick with cancer, no health insurance. Selling crafts for treatment.” She didn’t look homeless, in fact she was recently showered and clothed in a sun dress, but the frailness of her body showed the signs of a long bout with chemotherapy and a disease that was ravaging her life.

I walked on by.

Make sure the read the entire post.

How many times have we walked by? Its time to stop walking by hurting people, even when we’re on our way to meet with the church.


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  1. 4-7-2009

    Heading over to give it a read.

  2. 4-7-2009

    Thank you for linking to that. Makes you kind of wonder where Christ will be “found” by people in days to come. If church building caretakers keep adding more limits on who they help, and if we who go in and out “walk on by”, where are people going to go when desperation comes? We have to be known in our daily lives as the Body. We have to be prepared to help.

  3. 4-8-2009

    Makes me wonder just how far we have strayed not only as a church, but as a society from what is really important.
