the weblog of Alan Knox

What is God doing in your life lately?

Posted by on Dec 29, 2009 in discipleship | 3 comments

Our life with God in Christ by the Spirit is not a past experience nor an intellectual exercise. It is an ongoing life.

My friend, Maël, who made the mistake of moving to Texas a few months ago, taught us to ask ourselves and others this simple question: “What is God doing in your life lately?”

It is encouraging to look back and see what God is doing in your life, but it is also encouraging to hear what God is doing in other people’s lives. I like to ask this question occasionally on my blog to see what God is doing in the lives of my readers.

So, I ask  you: “What is God doing in your life lately?”


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  1. 12-29-2009


    This might sound strange, but I have no clue what God is doing in my life. And I’m fairly confident, based on past experience, that if I ever do know, it might not be for a very long time. I do know that I’ve been through an extremely diffictult last several years, not being able to make heads or tails of what’s happened.

  2. 12-29-2009

    I think I am with Scott! But at least Mael and Cindy will be over for New Years 8)

  3. 12-30-2009

    I think God is in the process of showing me my lack of discipline in many areas of my life. He is showing me how utterly dependent I have to be on Him. Of course, this is something that I know in truth, but don’t always live out. I need His strength and grace in many areas of my life; in seeking Him, in my eating habits, etc. My Father is showing me the areas of my life that I am still holding on to and need to surrender. Definitely never an easy thing.