the weblog of Alan Knox

What or who?

Posted by on Dec 15, 2009 in blog links | 5 comments

I’ve been thinking along with Jeff’s thoughtful thought for the day. Why not think along with us?

Today, we determine whether someone is part of the church by what they believe…yet when the church began, the determining factor for who was part of the church was Whom they believed in.


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  1. 12-15-2009

    Doesn’t it matter what they believe about Him? I believe in Jesus covers a lot of groups that deny the Gospel. I don’t think these two concepts are in opposition, we need to know who He is and what He has done.

  2. 12-16-2009


    I agree in part. But I think often times we won’t even go to a congregation if they don’t believe like us. I know when I was searching for a church the first thing I looked at was there Doctrinal Statements.

  3. 12-16-2009


    I was the same way. My bigger point was that we cannot divorce knowing who He is from knowing Him.

  4. 12-16-2009

    I agree Arthur. But that begs the question how much?

  5. 12-16-2009

    What “what’s” are necessary?
