the weblog of Alan Knox

Unlearning Protestantism

Posted by on Feb 22, 2010 in books, community | 3 comments

Last weekend, I received a new book in the mail called Unlearning Protestantism: Sustaining Christan Community in an Unstable Age by Gerald Schlabach. This is the publisher’s blurb:

In this clearly written and insightful book, Gerald Schlabach addresses the “Protestant dilemma” in ecclesiology: how to build lasting Christian community in a world of individualism and transience. Schlabach, a former Mennonite who is now Catholic, seeks not to encourage readers to abandon Protestant churches but to relearn some of the virtues that all Christian communities need to sustain their communal lives. He offers a vision for the right and faithful roles of authority, stability, and loyal dissent in Christian communal life. The book deals with issues that transcend denominations and will appeal to all readers, both Catholic and Protestant, interested in sustaining Christian tradition and community over time.

I don’t know what to expect, but I’m looking forward to reading and reviewing it.


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  1. 2-22-2010

    Based on the above blurb from the book, I’m guessing that I will agree with a lot of what he says and disagree with a lot of what he says. It sounds like a good read. I’m looking forward to your review.

  2. 2-22-2010

    Sounds interesting. I like the idea of community, not so much the tradition.

  3. 2-22-2010

    Eric and Arthur,

    I like to read things that include some parts that I disagree with (which is most books I read, I guess). It forces me to think. 🙂
