the weblog of Alan Knox

Great Commission and Money

Posted by on May 23, 2010 in discipleship | 6 comments

It is good to support those who are traveling away from home in order to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ and to strengthen churches along the way. As God’s children, we should not only send people to carry out this service, we should also support them with money as well as prayer.

However, we should never confuse giving money to others as fulfilling the Great Commission. The Great Commission in carried out in each of our lives only when we are making disciples ourselves.

Increasing giving does not indicate an increase in concern for or carrying out of the Great Commission.


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  1. 5-23-2010


  2. 5-23-2010

    100% correct brother. Money however is a great indicator of where one’s kingdom mindset resides. However, no substitution for the living out of the GC wherever God allows….good word brother!

  3. 5-23-2010


    So what you are REALLY trying to say is that we can’t just write a check to fulfill the Great Commission?

    That’s really good news to folks who have a slim or non-existent check book!

  4. 5-24-2010

    Brian, Trey, and Jeff,

    Thanks for the comments.


  5. 5-24-2010

    Two of my dear friends, Tim and Sherman, have a little business card that simply says: “Church Planting without money, education, or buildings.” Tim has been training church planters in SE Asia, India and S America for over 12 years, and Sherman has joined him a few years ago. He frequently brings others over to see other fields.

    Tim and Sherman are both very adamant that money should never be equated with or considered necessary for church planting.

    You can learn more about their work at

    Tim’s church planting manual has been translated into over 25 languages, and is available in an English hard copy at Amazon (God’s Plan for Church Planting) or for free download at

  6. 5-25-2010


    “Tim and Sherman are both very adamant that money should never be equated with or considered necessary for church planting.” Exactly!
