the weblog of Alan Knox

Apostles, Church Gatherings, and the Great Commission

Posted by on Nov 3, 2011 in blog links | Comments Off on Apostles, Church Gatherings, and the Great Commission

Okay, so this is not a post about hose apostles relate to either church gatherings or the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20). Instead, I want to point out three very good posts on the three topics in the title: apostles, church gatherings, and the great commission.

First, Josh at “Called to Rebuild” talks about the different apostles found in Scripture in his post “What is an apostle?

Second, Craig at “New Covenant Bible Fellowship of Las Vegas” asks and answers the question “Why Does the Church Meet?

Finally, Christopher at “A New Testament Student” writes a post called “Observance: Matthew 28:20,” starting a series on the commands of Jesus in the Gospels.

These are all great posts, and I would encourage you to read them. I’m glad that I continually find more and more people writing about (and living) the examples and instructions concerning church that we find in the New Testament.