the weblog of Alan Knox

Blogging I Love

Posted by on Jul 8, 2010 in blog links, chain blog, community, elders | 5 comments

Blogging I Love

I love blogging. I know, that comes as a surprise to you. But, it’s true.

However, there is a type of blogging that I love more than most. What kind of blogging is that? It’s when a blogger reads another blogger’s post, and then responds with his or her own thoughts. Then, it gets even better when another blogger picks up the topic and continues the discussion.

I’ve seen this happen a couple of times recently, and I wanted to point it out. Here are two “threads” that I’ve been fortunate to be a part of recently:

Thinking About Elders” by me
Also thinking about elders” by Arthur

Church as Family
It Doesn’t Take a Village… It Takes a Family” by Eric
All in the Family” by me
Family Matters” by Danny

A couple of years ago, I started a “chain blog” on the concept of “city church” that was designed to encourage just this sort of interaction. Perhaps I should start another “chain blog”. (Read this post for more information about “Chain Blogging.”)

What topics would you like to see several bloggers write about and discuss?


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 7-8-2010

    Finding like-minded people locally who want to experience that “church as family/ village” ?? The potential loneliness of wanting to move beyond programmed/institutional church …

  2. 7-8-2010


    I get alot of email and facebook messages because of my blog. A large majority of the email and messages ask exactly what you’re asking here.


  3. 7-9-2010

    That is right along the lines of what I would like to see, maybe some experiences from those who are part of organic church life and how they got there, obstacles they overcame, like real life stuff, not just theory. That could be really encouraging to those looking to move in that direction but feel very overwhelmed by it.

  4. 7-9-2010


    That’s a great idea!


  5. 7-10-2010

    Alan, after reading your post on how we gather together because we are family and discussing the reasons we gather at St. Thomas, I wrote a post at

    I’d appreciate it if you would let me know what you think.