the weblog of Alan Knox

Thinking About Blogging

Posted by on Aug 27, 2010 in blog links | 3 comments

I read two articles this week in which the authors write about why they blogged:

Andy at “aBowden Blog” asks “Why Blog?

Lionel at “a view of the woods” thinks about why he blogs and traces his blogging history in “Blogging: The Joys and Sorrows.”

Do you blog? If so, why? If not, why not?


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  1. 8-28-2010

    I blog for several reasons:
    to record my thoughts and experiences for future reference
    to share ideas and get feedback to improve those ideas
    to connect with people from around the world
    and i like to think of The Ekklesia in Southern Maine as a phonebook listing, the big reason it is there is to connect people in our area who are thinking about the church

    but i mostly just blog because i’m bad at sports and poker and i need some kind of hobby!


  2. 8-28-2010

    I blog because I enjoy writing, and I want to share my thoughts with folks. I like the interaction with other bloggers, and I feel that I learn a lot from them.

  3. 8-30-2010

    For me it’s equal parts processing stuff/interaction/writing practice.