Carson on Worship and Edification

Under the terms of the new covenant, worship goes on all the time, including when the people of God gather together. But mutual edification does not go on all the time; it is what takes place when Christians gather together. Edification is the best summary of what occurs in corporate singing, confession, public prayer, the ministry of the Word, and so forth. (D.A. Carson, Worship by the Book)
I was reading Bob Kauflin’s book on worship, Worship Matters, when my eyes were opened about simple/organic/house church. He had actually sent me the book, but as soon as I started studying the house church stuff, I couldn’t keep reading his book. It was about the worship leader’s role and responsibilities, and well, you and I both know that role doesn’t exist in the NT, biblical church. But I still love the music Sovereign Grace Ministries is putting out.
So is Carson saying that mutual edification can only occur in the context of the formal church gathering? Because I have to admit I have been edified by other Christians in non-“church” settings. Maybe I am doing something wrong?
I’m not familiar with Kauflin or his book. I love it when anyone comes together with a song to sing… and can tell the church why they want to sing that song.
I can’t answer for Dr. Carson, but I agree with what Paul says: “Whenever you come together…”
I can’t answer for Carson, either, but I’m sure he is one who uses his words carefully. He uses “mutual,” which indicates everybody would be involved with edifying one another. Divorcing this from Carson, and putting it into the framework of traditional church, it would seem that edification occurs for believers fore merely showing up at church and listening. Most of these things in institutional/traditional church are done by the few. Just being there gives it its “magic.” It almost seems as if church attendance is unwittingly treated as a sacrament in the majority of Protestant circles.
It turns out that Carson is summarizing David Peterson’s view in “Engaging with God” (an excellent book, by the way). So, I’m not exactly sure what Carson’s view is. I’ll have to look more closely.