the weblog of Alan Knox

Greek Study Club Preliminary Announcement

Posted by on Aug 21, 2010 in NT Greek | 4 comments

A couple of weeks ago, in a post called “Learn Greek,” I encouraged everyone to study Greek so that they could study the Greek New Testament. Well, I have an important announcement to make:

A couple of friends and I are about to begin a Greek study club. This study club will focus on teaching people to read New Testament Greek and helping people learn to read New Testament Greek better so that we can study the text of the New Testament together.

That’s right… you’re welcome to be part of this Greek study club if you have never studied Greek before. You’re also invited to be part of this study club if you already know Greek. How will that work? Much like discipleship works between less mature and more mature believers. I think everyone will be surprised how much we’ll be able to learn from one another.

This club will be for adults and children of all ages, seminary or college students, stay-at-home-moms, business people or professionals… anyone who would like to learn Greek or use and improve the Greek that they do know by studying the New Testament.

I’ll post more details about the study club in a few days. But, if you’re in the Wake Forest or Youngsville, NC area, consider yourself invited to join our Greek study club.


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  1. 8-21-2010

    Is there any way to hold an online study club? I would love to learn, and even bought a book and started to learn several years ago, but it was too daunting to me. Greek is so complex! It would be wonderful if there was something available online. I don’t know if that is feasible.


  2. 8-21-2010

    Really wish I was – would love to learn Greek!!

  3. 8-21-2010

    An online study club? I don’t know… I’ll look into it.


  4. 8-22-2010

    I am looking forward to this club. Please keep me posted…