the weblog of Alan Knox

Greek Study Club Update

Posted by on Oct 27, 2010 in NT Greek, personal | 6 comments

A couple of months ago, several of us began meeting on Tuesday evenings (from 6-7 p.m.) to study Greek. From time to time, someone asks me how the study club is going, so I thought I would give an update here.

Three people started meeting with us who had never studied Greek before. Four other people joined us who had already studied Greek. The new learners began by working their way through Learn to Read New Testament Greek by David Alan Black. Meanwhile, those who had already studied Greek agreed to being translating 2 John.

The beginners are slowly going through their beginning grammar, taking their time so that they understand the material. And those who already know Greek? While we’ve talked about 2 John, we’ve primarily enjoyed helping the new learners.

For example, last night, three of us took turns teaching the beginners how to parse verbs and translate simple sentences. It has been great fun teaching and learning together.

If you are interested in joining us, you can. Anyone can start at any time.


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  1. 10-27-2010

    Via Skype? Im lulling bad on genitives and datives right now..hehe

  2. 10-27-2010


    I wish that I had time to do that.


  3. 10-27-2010

    Sounds like a beneficial time for everyone. Have the beginners set a goal for how long they will take in going through the grammar?

  4. 10-28-2010


    Typically, we go through one chapter per week. However, when necessary, we’ve repeated a chapter to make sure that everyone understands the material.


  5. 10-28-2010

    No, when you do the class…set the PC up….and turn on Skype..

  6. 10-28-2010


    Unfortunately, there’s no internet access where we meet.
