the weblog of Alan Knox

Learn Greek

Posted by on Aug 3, 2010 in blog links, NT Greek, personal | 9 comments

Learn Greek

This afternoon, I got an email from my good friend Dan (from “The Ekklesia in Southern Maine“). As he mentioned in his post “Weekly Update: 08.01.10“, Dan is contemplating starting a Greek study group. So, in his email, he was simply asking for suggestions and encouragement.

Similarly, my good friend and fellow world traveler Danny (from “learning…“) (not to be confused with Dan, which I did in a comment on Danny’s blog) is also planning a Greek study group when he moves to Virginia in a couple of weeks. (But, I’m still in denial about that move, so I don’t really want to talk about it.)

What about you? Why not start a Greek study group yourself? Even if no one joins but you, you can learn (or learn more) New Testament Greek. Begin with an introductory grammar, or if you know a little Greek, begin with a book like 1 John.

There are so many resources available (either for purchase or free online) to help anyone learn Greek. Also, if you get started and have some questions, send me an email… I’ll be glad to help.

If you know Greek or you’re learning Greek (either on your own or in school) leave me a comment. Also, if you’re interested in learning Greek – and are interested enough to put some work into it and study – leave me a comment also.

Let’s encourage one another as we study the New Testament together.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 8-3-2010

    cool! I would be interested in that…was ‘into that’ a while back… then got pregnant with child – which sucks out the brain’s ability to study Greek apparently…. would love to re-start

  2. 8-3-2010

    I want to learn Greek! 🙂

  3. 8-3-2010


    You should do it!


    I received an email from someone who is interested in doing a Greek study group here.


  4. 8-4-2010

    I wrote a post a while back with a collection of the free resources I found when starting to learn Greek.

    I also wrote a flashcard app for Android devices to help learn Greek vocabulary (also includes Hebrew).

  5. 8-4-2010


    Thanks for your help and encouragement in this. I sent out a blanket message on facebook last night and have already received four messages back from interested people! I was really surprised to see so many people who would like to do this. I’m really excited to get rolling with it!


  6. 8-4-2010

    Very interested … have acquired many resources but it’s really hard to be the only one in a study “group” that is focused on language and communications skills!

  7. 8-4-2010

    I would be very interested in learning Greek

  8. 8-4-2010

    I think it’s really great that so many people are interested in learning Greek. Please, if you’re interested, get started!


  9. 8-6-2010

    Great post! I’m about to translate 2 Thess. before my MA starts in October – going to be great.


  1. Greek Study Club Preliminary Announcement | The Assembling of the Church - [...] couple of weeks ago, in a post called “Learn Greek,” I encouraged everyone to study Greek so that they…