the weblog of Alan Knox

Talk is cheap. Blogging is even cheaper.

Posted by on Oct 13, 2010 in blog links, missional, service | 1 comment

The title of this post is how Arthur at “The Voice of One Crying out in Suburbia” began his post “Time to get off the bench.” In the post, Arthur explains that he has decided to go to Haiti in January. He says:

After talking with my wife and the folks at the Haiti Orphan Project, I have decided to accompany their team to Haiti in January right around the anniversary of the devastating earthquake that left an already troubled nation utterly devastated. Time to get off the bench and get into Kingdom work… In speaking with my family, I see this as something that we as a family are looking at being involved in. Dave Black has said before that he regrets waiting so long to get into Kingdom work and I am taking his admonition to heart for me and for my family.

This is so exciting! I know that God will use Arthur to serve some orphans in Haiti, but I also know that God can use this trip to change Arthur and his family. I’m looking forward to what happens during and after Arthur’s trip.

By the way, I realize more and more that the more someone follows Christ, the more they will serve other people.

One Comment

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  1. 10-13-2010

    Good post! Made me think, following Christ is more that just doing what He did, it’s going where He goes today and joining Him in what He is doing. Makes for a pretty exciting life.