the weblog of Alan Knox

What Did We Do in DC?

Posted by on Nov 7, 2010 in personal | 2 comments

Several people have asked me what we did and what we saw while in Washington DC last week. So, here it is:

Sunday: We rode Amtrak from Raleigh to Alexandria. Then, we took the Metro to Maryland to spend a few hours with some friends who now live there.

Monday: We toured the Washington National Cathedral and the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

Tuesday: We toured the White House, the Old Post Office, the Washington Monument, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, and the Capitol.

Wednesday: We toured the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Then we met some friends who were traveling through this area for lunch at Union Station. We then walked the Mall with our friends through the World War II Memorial to the Lincoln Memorial. They had to leave then. But, we continued walking to Georgetown Cupcake.

Thursday: We toured the Library of Congress, the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing, and the Pentagon.

Friday: We toured the Smithsonian National Museum of American History and Ford’s Theatre. (We were planning to go to Mt. Vernon, but I started feeling bad, so we decided to skip Mt. Vernon for a shorter day of museums.)

Saturday: We stayed in our hotel room to rest, while the Henry’s (our friends who traveled with us) visited Arlington National Cemetery.

Sunday: We are traveling back to Raleigh via Amtrak.

So, that was our vacation in Washington DC. We saw and did alot of things, but there were so many more things we could have seen or done.

(Can anyone identify the location of the picture attached to this post?)


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  1. 11-7-2010


    In the photo you all look like you are standing in the center of the Capitol.

  2. 11-8-2010


    Oh, to be young again!