the weblog of Alan Knox

The Next Book: The Next Christians

Posted by on Dec 15, 2010 in books | 3 comments

Now that I’ve completed and published my second review for Waterbrook Multnomah’s Blogging for Books program (see my review of Michael Spencer’s Mere Churchianity), it’s time to order another book.

This time, I’ve chosen Gabe Lyon’s book The Next Christians. I bought Lyon’s (along with David Kinnamon) previous book unChristian last year with a gift card that I received for Christmas.

So, what is The Next Christians about? I don’t know, because I haven’t read it yet, but this is part of the publisher’s blurb (and we all know how accurate those can be):

While many Christians are bemoaning their faith’s decline, Gabe Lyons is optimistic that Christianity’s best days are yet to come. In the wake of the stunning research from his bestselling book, unChristian, which revealed the growing disenchantment among young generations for Christians, Lyons has witnessed the beginnings of a new iteration of the faith. Marked by Lyons’ brutal honesty and unvarying generosity, Lyons exposes a whole movement of Christians—Evangelicals, Mainline, Protestants, Orthodox, Pentecostals, and others—who desire to be a force for restoration even as they proclaim the Christian Gospel. They want the label Christian to mean something good, intelligent, authentic, and beautiful.

So, it sounds interesting.

By the way, the last time I requested a book from the Blogging for Books program, the book shipped the same day, and I received it just a few days later. (The Next Christians hasn’t shipped yet, but there are still a few hours left in the day.)


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  1. 12-15-2010

    My copy shipped a few days ago, I am looking forward to it.

  2. 12-15-2010


    Cool. I’m still waiting for mine to ship.


  3. 12-16-2010

    (I would contend that you don’t need to bother reading past the publisher’s blurb, since the basic premise of the book pretty much stands in stark contrast to what the scriptures say….)

    I will eat my hat if this is anything else than one more voice of the New Age spirituality clothing itself in Christian garb…