the weblog of Alan Knox article: How do we move away from theology as a concept?

Posted by on Jan 19, 2011 in | 2 comments

I’ve published another article at as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This new article is called “How do we move away from theology as a concept?

In this article, I briefly mention Arthur from “A Voice Of One Crying Out In Suburbia” and his recent trip to Haiti. Why? Because of something that Arthur said in his post “Back.” I also mention my recent trip to Ethiopia.

Here is one paragraph from my article:

Christians do not have to travel to Haiti or Ethiopia to find opportunities to put their theology to work. These opportunities exist nearby in orphanages, schools, nursing homes, homeless shelters, and even in our own neighborhoods and backyards. Yes, there are people in Raleigh who are desperate for love – not love as a theological concept, but love as a way of life.

Please click the link above and read the entire article. It’s short and easy to read, and it would help me out.


Comments are closed. If you would like to discuss this post, send an email to alan [at] alanknox [dot] net.

  1. 1-19-2011


    I thought your article was challenging without being in-your-face. Good stuff!

    In recent years I have come to see congregations who have “right theology”, are live in a bubble of idealism which doesn’t allow them to consider the reality in which the people around them live, whether the spiritually lost, the sick, or socially disadvantaged. As Arthur said, “Nothing could prepare me for the reality”.

    Edification in these areas is sadly lacking.

  2. 1-19-2011

    Aussie John,

    As you’ve reminded me many times, “right theology” in a bubble that isn’t lived out among the world and the least is not “right theology.”
