the weblog of Alan Knox article: Sunday 101: Paying someone to serve

Posted by on Apr 17, 2011 in | 4 comments

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is part of my “Sunday 101” series and is called “Sunday 101: Paying someone to serve.”

Today, people are employed by churches to be pastors/elders. Often, these people are unknown by the churches who hire them, except for perhaps a resume and a visit. This is not what Scripture describes as the relationship between churches and pastors/elders.

Here is an excerpt from my article:

I recently read an announcement from a church in the Raleigh area. Their senior pastor had left, and they were looking for someone to be their new senior pastor. They wanted someone with the proper amount of education, who was skilled at speaking and administration, and who could manage finances and staff. Of course, this church offered a generous salary package for the person they chose for this position.

In other words, this group of believers wanted to pay someone who they did not know so that that person would serve them.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short notice. article: When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all

Posted by on Apr 14, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all.”

We’ve noticed that some people try to serve everyone in the same way. Recently, this tendency resulted in one of our friends with diabetes being given bags of cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and other sweets. Obviously, she had no use for these things.

Here is part of my article:

Now, the group that brought the cakes and doughnuts and bread meant well. They wanted to serve this lady, but they didn’t know how to serve her. One size does not fit all when it comes to serving people.

Instead, we must spend time with people so that we can know what they want and what they need.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel

Posted by on Apr 12, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel.”

The article is about an upcoming conference in Raleigh. The Advance2011 conference will feature several prominent speakers and will be held in the Raleigh Convention Center on May 4-5, 2011.

Here is part of my article:

According to the promoters, the Church has lost its prophetic voice in society primarily because it has turned away from the gospel. In the first century, the apostles and other Christians turned the world upside down by proclaiming life through Jesus Christ. Because of this message and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the most unlikely of people became fervent ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Sunday 101: When we pass the plate

Posted by on Apr 10, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my “Sunday 101” series and is called “Sunday 101: When we pass the plate.”

This article examiners the common practice among modern churches of “passing the plate” or collecting money for the purpose of promoting and doing things that serves those who give. This is not how the church in the New Testament used their money.

Here is the beginning of my article:

Many churches in the Raleigh area and around the United States are struggling financially during this economic downturn. Many leaders have decided to double their efforts to encourage people to give to their church organizations. But, was this the purpose of giving and sharing money in the New Testament? Not exactly.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Raleigh Rescue Mission has shared Christ’s love for over 50 years

Posted by on Apr 7, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Raleigh Rescue Mission has shared Christ’s love for over 50 years

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Raleigh Rescue Mission has shared Christ’s love for over 50 years.”

The article is a profile of a ministry to the poor and homeless population in the Raleigh area. This group not only cares for many people (over 600,000), but they also provide opportunities for other Christians to serve as well.

Here is my brief introduction to the history of Raleigh Rescue Mission:

This mission began in 1959 when two local businessmen invited some homeless men to a revival service at a local church. Following that encounter, a group of people began to meet regularly to pray with, offer food to, and share the gospel with homeless people in the Raleigh area. From this effort, Raleigh Rescue Mission was born in November 1961.

Since their beginning, they have helped over 600,000 people. Today, they provide emergency overnight services, recovery and rehabilitation services, medical respite services, adult education, children’s development, and a medical clinic.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this brief article. article: Who’s afraid of the big, bad Simple Church?

Posted by on Apr 5, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Who’s afraid of the big, bad Simple Church?

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Who’s afraid of the big, bad Simple Church?

Lately, I’ve generally heard two things in the media about simple church: 1) More and more people are associating with simple or organic church. 2) More and more traditional church leaders are speaking out against them.

This article is an attempt to briefly define, describe, compare, and contrast simple church. Here is an excerpt:

The growth of simple church, organic church, and house church has been well documented over the last few years especially. In the Raleigh area and in the state of North Carolina, the number of people who associate with simple or organic church has increased as well. In fact, at one simple church networking site, the group composed of North Carolinians is the largest group by almost 50%, with people from the Raleigh area making up the bulk of that group.

But, what is simple/organic/house church, and should the more traditional, more institutional churches fear them as they are often told by their leaders, pastors, and preachers?

Please jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Sunday 101: Spiritual growth is in everyday relationships

Posted by on Apr 3, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Sunday 101: Spiritual growth is in everyday relationships

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my “Sunday 101” series and is called “Sunday 101: Spiritual growth is in everyday relationships.”

Too often, Christians rely on special events like conferences, revivals, camps, and retreats for spiritual growth. But, God created us to grow in a different manner: through our everyday, ordinary relationships with one another as we are connected to Jesus Christ.

Here is part of my article:

In Paul’s metaphor, we are those body parts, and we are connected to one another through our relationships with one another. He says that the church grows when every part does what he or she was created and gifted to do. As we talk to, serve, and encourage one another in our day-to-day lives, we help one another and the church grow in maturity toward Jesus Christ.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Poverty in Raleigh is increasing

Posted by on Mar 30, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Poverty in Raleigh is increasing

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Poverty in Raleigh is increasing.”

According to the latest statistics, 11% of Raleigh’s population lives below the poverty line. That means that more than 1 out of every 10 people that we meet probably do not have enough food to eat or a safe place to live.

The article includes some the latest statistics concerning poverty in Raleigh and the Triangle (North Carolina). Here’s part of the article:

There are many opportunities around Raleigh for the church to show their love of God and their love for others. Each of those opportunities has a name and a story. It’s time for the church to step out of our comfortable sanctuaries and into these lives. This is where we will find Jesus working.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Sunday 101: We don’t really choose a church

Posted by on Mar 27, 2011 in | 1 comment

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. This article is part of my “Sunday 101” series, and it’s called “Sunday 101: We don’t really choose a church.”

Unfortunately, the modern practice of “church membership” often works to divide the church. God places us together with other believers because we need each other. However, we often allow our “church membership” to separate us for those very believers that God has placed in our lives.

Here is part of the article:

Most churches, including those in the Raeigh area, have membership requirements and membership rolls. These requirements and rolls express who is part of that particular church and who is not part of that particular church. The rolls and requirements not only separate believers from nonbelievers, but they usually also separate believers from other believers.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article. article: Taking the church to the homeless

Posted by on Mar 24, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Taking the church to the homeless

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Taking the church to the homeless.”

While many Christians are comfortable in their buildings waiting for the world to come to them (on their terms), other are seeking opportunities to impact their world by going to those who are in need. One group who seeks out the homeless in the Raleigh area is called “Church in the Woods.”

Here is the beginning of my article:

In Luke chapter 15, Jesus tells the story of a shepherd who leaves his ninety-nine sheep safely in their pen in order to search the wilderness for one sheep that had wandered away. This story is the motivation for a group of believers in Raleigh who explore wooded areas, streets, and under bridges in order to find people who are in need.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read this short article.