the weblog of Alan Knox article: Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel

Posted by on Apr 12, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “Advance2011 encourages churches to turn back to the gospel.”

The article is about an upcoming conference in Raleigh. The Advance2011 conference will feature several prominent speakers and will be held in the Raleigh Convention Center on May 4-5, 2011.

Here is part of my article:

According to the promoters, the Church has lost its prophetic voice in society primarily because it has turned away from the gospel. In the first century, the apostles and other Christians turned the world upside down by proclaiming life through Jesus Christ. Because of this message and the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives, the most unlikely of people became fervent ambassadors for Jesus Christ.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article.