the weblog of Alan Knox article: When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all

Posted by on Apr 14, 2011 in | Comments Off on article: When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all

I’ve published another article for as the Raleigh Practical Christianity Examiner. The article is called “When it comes to serving, one size does not fit all.”

We’ve noticed that some people try to serve everyone in the same way. Recently, this tendency resulted in one of our friends with diabetes being given bags of cookies, cakes, cupcakes, and other sweets. Obviously, she had no use for these things.

Here is part of my article:

Now, the group that brought the cakes and doughnuts and bread meant well. They wanted to serve this lady, but they didn’t know how to serve her. One size does not fit all when it comes to serving people.

Instead, we must spend time with people so that we can know what they want and what they need.

Please use the link above to jump over to and read the rest of this short article.